Commentary | Page 86 | Tomorrow's World


Do You Follow the Crowd?

  1. 17th January 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

To “follow the crowd” means to go along with the majority—to “go with the flow.” It is conformity. Is following the crowd a good idea?


The Forgotten Scourge

  1. 14th January 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

What a mixed up age we live in today. Abnormal behavior is promoted as "normal" by special interest groups who aggressively press forward their agenda with public demonstrations, litigation and organized pressure to accept what was, for millennia, considered taboo in society.


Do You Have a Willing Heart?

  1. 12th January 2017
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

A familiar companion to all of us, who live in this world, is our own personal conscience. It goes with us no matter where we go or what we do or how we act. Our conscience should be able to regulate our thoughts, our actions, our outlook on life, our relationships with others and who we really are inside.


Noah, Sodom and Today

  1. 10th January 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

In the Bible, in the part known to many as the Old Testament, the ancient patriarch Noah is famous for building the ark to save his family from a great flood that destroyed mankind. The ancient city of Sodom was dramatically destroyed for its wickedness. What do they have in common with today?


Life on Easy Street

  1. 07th January 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Some expressions in the vernacular, that is “words used on the street,” express an idea in a way that more formal expressions just can’t match. Such an expression is “on Easy Street.” Someone who has just received a great windfall that transforms their economic circumstances from being meager to being set for life might use the expression, “I’m on Easy Street...


Talking to Aliens

  1. 05th January 2017
  2. Brian Pomicter

In the recent movie Arrival, enormous spaceships settle in the atmosphere above twelve locations around the world. There is a purpose for the coming of the visitors from an extraterrestrial place—but that purpose remains unknown! The authorities obtain the services of a linguistics specialist in order to communicate and find that purpose.


The End!

  1. 03rd January 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

“And they lived happily ever after. The end" is the way many children’s stories conclude. Other books, some movies, plays and narrated stories announce the end with just those words—“The end.” All physical things have a beginning and an end. You and I had a beginning. We were conceived and born. The rest of creation that we see—all of the plants and trees and...


Worthless Things

  1. 31st December 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Does it frustrate you that so many things are made with “planned obsolescence” built in? You know, the product falls apart or quits working soon after the warranty expires? As you walk the aisles of your favorite store, are you appalled at the flood of cheaply made merchandise that becomes worthless soon after being put to use? Then, there are activities that...


The Purpose of Prophecy

  1. 29th December 2016
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

In modern, Western society, heavy-laden with materialism and secularism, the sense of deep trust in the accuracy of the Bible and its prophecies has become dull. Have deep, personal beliefs in God and willingness to trust the Bible become obscure and old-fashioned? Where will a downward tumble of morals and the rise of liberal skepticism and agnosticism lead us?


Lessons from Rogue One

  1. 27th December 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

Like most boys born in the last few decades, my sons love Star Wars. Each new movie is greeted with enthusiasm, and Rogue One is no exception. As a fan of the movies myself, I usually look forward to sharing this cultural experience with them. Nevertheless, Rogue One gave me some pause as the reviews described it being a darker story and more focused on war than...

