Commentary | Page 239 | Tomorrow's World


Honor your Father And your Mother

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

Many people are important in making us who and what we are. None are so important, however, as father and mother. In infancy Mother fed me, changed me and bathed me so that I was comfortable. Mother set protective barriers around me to keep me from harm. She taught me to avoid the hot stove, to fear harmful things, and she bundled me up against the winter's cold...


Life's Real Goal

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Richard F. Ames

Ambitious businesspeople, athletes, politicians and zealots commit their full energies to advancing their personal agendas. They will lose sleep, drive themselves and stop at almost nothing to achieve their goals. Some of these may strive for integrity and honesty, but many will use any deceitful tactic, lie or evil to get their way. And for what? Is their all-...


What is Servant Leadership?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Servant leadership is a concept and a practice that all Christians should implement. But what is servant leadership? And how can we practice it?


Christians and Halloween

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Richard F. Ames

Is it “fun” to play at evil? Should we follow our neighbors, like proverbial lemmings, off the dangerous cliff of pagan practices? Most of society has accepted the lie that Halloween is “innocent fun” and eagerly train their children to take pleasure in symbols of pagan, and even Satanic, evil.


Is There Any Hope?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Richard F. Ames

The world seems to be divided between optimists and pessimists. But as we grieve over the mass killings in Kosovo and in Africa—as we are shocked by the murders in Columbine High School in Colorado and Heritage High School in Georgia, we all may rightly ask, "Is there any hope for the future? Is there any hope for my children and family?" Yes, there is—as we'll...


Should Christians Observe the Day of Atonement?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Many of you are aware that Jews around the world are about to observe the Day of Atonement, or Yom Kippur in the Hebrew language. It is a day of fasting during which Jews all around the world abstain totally from food and water for a full 24 hours, humbling themselves before God. But did you know that many thousands of true Christians all over the world are also...


Internet Pornography

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

The Internet is a powerful tool for good. Many wonderful, educational and worthy web sites inform, facilitate business and provide entertainment for millions of users. However, as in everything man has devised, the Internet also has a perverted, dark side. The mind-destroying power of pornography is easily available to anyone who has a computer connected to the...


Is There a Cure for AIDS?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome-commonly known as AIDS-has affected the entire globe, but is nowhere more devastating in its effect than on the continent of Africa. Callisto Madavo, vice president of the World Bank African region, recently said: "Too much of Africa will enter the 21st Century watching the gains of the 20th evaporate." Madavo's comments...


Religious 'Unity' - Will it be Achieved?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Anyone following news of the world's religions will notice two contradictory trends developing side-by-side. On the one hand, religious differences are causing tensions to escalate, often into full-fledged combat. Yet on the other hand, religious leaders are making overtures toward "unity"—resolving or minimizing centuries-old differences between communities of...


Drought and Weather Related Calamities

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

What's wrong with the weather? As part of the United States experiences heat-wave conditions, fear of drought and its consequences are heightening in many states. Is there cause for worry? Does God cause drought? Are droughts and floods just flip sides of a "weather coin?" What can we know about current and future droughts—are they prophesied in the Bible?

