Commentary | Page 164 | Tomorrow's World


Freedom from Guilt?

  1. 08th December 2011
  2. Adam J. West

Are you sometimes plagued with gnawing feelings of guilt? Do anxious feelings of wrongdoing stir inside you, resulting in thoughts of shame and inferiority? You are not alone! But why, as human beings, do we have to experience and even be riddled with guilt? The fact is guilt plays a vital role in God’s purpose and plan. What is that role? How should you deal ...


Where Am I?

  1. 29th November 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

At some time or another, we have all been temporarily lost—turned around, going the wrong way, on the wrong road, or at the wrong address. Perhaps we received bad directions, saw a misleading road sign or missed a turn, or encountered unforeseen obstacles in our path. How do we get to where we are trying to go? Losing our way may be only a minor, temporary...


Where Am I?

  1. 28th November 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

At some time or another, we have all been temporarily lost—turned around, going the wrong way, on the wrong road or at the wrong address. Perhaps we received bad directions, saw a misleading road sign or missed a turn, or encountered unforeseen obstacles in our path. How do we get to where we are trying to go?


The Messiah, Misunderstood

  1. 26th November 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Once, during a trip to the United Kingdom, I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery in London. This imposing complex of great buildings houses some of the finest examples of art from the Renaissance and earlier periods, along with works of art from more recent times. As I walked through the great galleries and observed the ancient paintings, large and...


Thanksgiving and Our National Mission

  1. 24th November 2011
  2. Richard F. Ames

Thanksgiving is a good time to reflect on our blessings, our purpose and our future. How thankful are we? Have we used the blessings God has given us to fulfill our national purpose and mission? Or do we even know our mission?


Count Your Blessings

  1. 22nd November 2011
  2. William Williams

"Give Thanks" sign in setting with corn cobs and glowing candle Some of my most pleasant memories come from spending Thanksgiving with my family. But the holiday also makes me think about times when I have not been particularly thankful. God has blessed me with many wonderful experiences and opportunities, even when I least expected (or acknowledged) them.


The Lunch Bucket Theory

  1. 19th November 2011
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Many years ago, I experienced for myself a phenomenon that is an all-too-common problem in workplace relations between labor and management. I owned a small company, and decided that I would like to start profit-sharing with my employees as much as would be feasible. So, I rounded up an executive table and some chairs and convened an employee meeting.


The Lunch Bucket Theory

  1. 18th November 2011
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Many years ago, I experienced for myself a phenomenon that is an all-too-common problem in workplace relations between labor and management. I owned a small company, and decided that I would like to start profit-sharing with my employees as much as would be feasible. So, I rounded up an executive table and some chairs, and convened an employee meeting.


Quality Dinners and Healthy Families

  1. 17th November 2011
  2. Mike DeSimone

A couple of years ago, I was speaking with a gentleman who told me about a tradition in his family that would come to shape some of the traditions in mine. He explained that his mother would read books aloud to the family during dinnertime! This put into action a thought process that would lead me to dramatically change my family's dinnertime dynamics. As a...

