Commentary | Page 157 | Tomorrow's World


News or Opinion?

  1. 24th May 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

In the days before modern mass communications, it was the church building or the schoolhouse where most would go to find out the news of what was happening in their communities. News from farther away would come when travelers passed through. It took time for news to travel, so most people were either out of date or entirely ignorant of what was going on in the...


Who Do You Imitate?

  1. 22nd May 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

One way we learn is by imitating someone. Children, especially, are imitators. But adults also learn by imitating others, particularly those they admire. Who do you imitate?



  1. 19th May 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Several years ago, there was a terrible accident on Lake Hamilton near Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. A popular attraction on the lakes in this tourist area was a land tour and lake cruise in amphibious (operating on land and water) vehicles. These craft were WWII vintage, and were called “Ducks” because of the acronym “DUKW” for the vehicles’ military...


What Is God Thinking?

  1. 17th May 2012
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

My friends, America is increasingly acting as if there is no real God. Millions of young couples are simply “living together”—without benefit of marriage. Other millions are slowly going over to the dark side of human nature and getting into homosexuality—even “men marrying men”!


The Graphic Danger of Pornography

  1. 15th May 2012
  2. Adam J. West

The statistics are shocking. The average age at which a child is first exposed to pornography is between 11 and 12! Forty million Americans are regular visitors to Internet porn sites. In a typical month, 70 percent of American men aged 18–24 visit pornography Web sites. Twenty-five percent of all search engine requests—68 million a day!—are pornography related...


Mothers Should Be Honored

  1. 12th May 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

Each of us had a mother who carried and nourished us in her womb until we were born. Most of us had a mother who rocked us, fed us, burped us, and bathed us. She kissed our skinned knee, sent us off to school in clean clothes, and made sure we did our homework. She taught us right from wrong and a thousand other lessons. Our mothers should be honored.


Use Knowledge Rightly

  1. 10th May 2012
  2. Adam J. West

Some want to know it all when it comes to the Bible. Having a right and balanced desire to learn and grow in scriptural knowledge is good. It can help us grow in our relationship with our Creator. But this same desire becomes lopsided when the emphasis is on trying to understand subjects where God has purposefully withheld key details, or where the Bible is...


Summer Fruit

  1. 08th May 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A recent trip to a local outdoor produce market revealed a wide variety of locally grown produce on display, including many vegetables as well as colorful fruits such as strawberries, peaches and plums—beautiful things to eat. It is the beginning of the season, and the fruits and vegetables are fresh and plentiful. The abundance was amazing, and the market was...


Children and the Future

  1. 05th May 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Many of us who are older remember our childhoods as carefree days, full of fun and learning and potential. Sadly, those days are gone for most young people today. Youngsters today face pressure from all sides, to conform, to copy, to get ahead—in short, to be what society considers “successful.” Yet all too many are missing a foundational support that was for...


The "Great Unknown"?

  1. 03rd May 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

We have all seen or read tragic news stories about a child being killed by this or that means, or dying of a dreaded disease like cancer or leukemia. Somehow death seems worse when it is a child or young person who had all their hopes and dreams ahead of them. But the death of any loved one, no matter whether young or old, is emotionally painful.

