Commentary | Page 153 | Tomorrow's World


Are You Being Taught a False Gospel?

  1. 30th August 2012
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

The true Gospel is the most vital message this world has ever received. It is the message Jesus and the Apostles preached. It is the message the faithful Church of God proclaims today. It is also a message that is often misunderstood and even shamefully attacked!


Is Change Necessary?

  1. 28th August 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Paul Harvey once told a story about a tough lumberjack who went to town one weekend, fell in with a religious group, and was baptized. He went back to the lumber camp—much to the concern of his preacher, who worried that others would make fun of him. When he went back to town the preacher asked him how it went. He said, “They never caught on.”


A Little Folly

  1. 25th August 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

How often has a plan for greatness been derailed or spoiled by some careless or foolish lapse of good judgment or morals? Many a politician has met with downfall because power and prestige went to his or her head, resulting in bizarre behaviors that cause them to stumble. Similarly, many prominent preachers or religious figures have become filled with the...


The Breath of the Almighty

  1. 21st August 2012
  2. Brian Pomicter

If you think the world has gone crazy or off the deep end, you are not alone. In their book, Future Shock, Alvin and Heidi Toffler described the effect of rapid change on the human psyche. Toffler proposed that an accelerated rate of technological and social change leaves people disconnected, stressed, and disoriented. But, is that the whole reason? To be sure,...


A Reflection on Driving

  1. 16th August 2012
  2. Paul Kearns

It is amazing how often life’s everyday endeavors can point us to the spiritual. There is much we can learn from the most mundane situations, if only we take time to stop and meditate on them.


My Eyes a Fountain

  1. 14th August 2012
  2. Brian Pomicter

We grow accustomed to our surroundings, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water—where the temperature is gradually increased until the unwitting creature boils alive. We tend to become hardened in outlook as we see before us a continual stream of expediency and wrong. These days, it can be difficult to keep a tender, sensitive heart.


My Eyes a Fountain

  1. 14th August 2012
  2. Brian Pomicter

We grow accustomed to our surroundings, like the proverbial frog in the pot of water—where the temperature is gradually increased until the unwitting creature boils alive. We tend to become hardened in outlook as we see before us a continual stream of expediency and wrong. These days, it can be difficult to keep a tender, sensitive heart.


Who Is To Blame?

  1. 12th August 2012
  2. Richard Franz

When tragedy suddenly strikes a home or family, a city or a nation, the people directly affected experience any number of emotions, including unbridled sadness, hurt, loss, emptiness and grief. When the sharp edge of shock and piercing point of pain are slightly numbed by emotional fatigue, it is not abnormal for anger and resentment to enter people’s hearts....



  1. 11th August 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

One day, while driving through a Wal-Mart parking lot, I saw a small truck slowly rolling backwards—and heading straight for a ravine at the far edge of the lot. I pulled up beside the truck and noticed that it was unoccupied. With some effort I stopped it, but I could not get it to stay until I wedged a small stone behind the rear tire. Looking back, I  assume...

