Commentary | Page 131 | Tomorrow's World


Sex Sells ... Let the Buyer Beware!

  1. 18th January 2014
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It’s everywhere—lots of flesh, provocative poses, suggestive moves, lyrics and dialogue; all calculated to stir the passions of the listener or viewer, young or old, male or female. The appeal to the desire for physical pleasures is used to purvey every kind of product and service in every form of media. It’s slick. It’s colorful. It’s well done. And, it’s...


Criticism of the Bible

  1. 16th January 2014
  2. Roger Meyer

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?


The Sex Age

  1. 14th January 2014
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Archaeologists and anthropologists have labeled the many different ages in their models of the history of man, such as the “Stone Age” or the “Bronze Age.” Given its prominence in our current society, it would not be a wonder if future anthropologists were to label our culture the “Sex Age.”


Deflation Causes Worries in the EU

  1. 11th January 2014
  2. Dexter B. Wakefield

In the European Union, there is a new worry—deflation. The economic concern has been inflation in many countries—such as Argentina (about 25 percent according to private economists) and Venezuela (52 percent in 2013). With the United States economy being flooded with liquidity from “quantitative easing” by the U.S. Federal Reserve—along with massive fiscal...


Learning lessons – the hard way!

  1. 09th January 2014
  2. James W. Sweat

It was an especially hot summer day growing up in rural Tennessee! Relief from the heat was nowhere to be found—unless we disobeyed my mother’s direct command, “Do not go swimming in that nasty cow pond!” Boys will be boys, the saying goes, as five brothers formulated a resourceful and cunning plan to go swimming without getting caught.


It Is Your Move!

  1. 07th January 2014
  2. William Williams

Do you play chess? Are you in the ranks of the great masters of the back row, or do you feel far removed from the “royalty” of chess legend—really not much more than a pawn (most of the time) in someone else’s game? Although some consider chess a bit too competitive, and others may think its intricacy and time-consuming nature tedious, there are some parallels...


How loyal are you in marriage?

  1. 04th January 2014
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back.  But many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman.  He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty.  His story is a lesson that husbands and...


What Clyde taught us

  1. 02nd January 2014
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

In Matthew 23:11 Jesus Christ made the following statement: "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant."  If you go back and read verses 1 through 10, it is pretty apparent that Jesus is speaking about the hypocrisy of religious and secular leaders who were saying one thing but doing another.   They were puffed up in their own importance and...


The power to choose

  1. 31st December 2013
  2. Jeffrey Fall

We Americans pride ourselves in our freedom. Freedom of choice is a hallmark of our national identity and our heritage. We have the freedom to choose how we will live our lives. Sadly many individuals do not realize that freedom of choice carries the potential for great good in our lives as well as the potential for great harm.


A lesson from a ruined postcard

  1. 28th December 2013
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The weather that we have experienced so far this winter has me harkening back to our first Missouri snowfall, last winter. Being Texans, it was a big deal to us, and since it was a very mild winter last year, it was the only accumulating snowfall that we had as a family.

