Commentary | Page 100 | Tomorrow's World


Remembering the Alamo

  1. 05th March 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As the westward migration of settlers streamed into the Mexican Territory of Texas in the 1830’s, conflict with the Mexican government seemed inevitable. At first, they were welcomed, but in time it became obvious that the settlers were going to form their own Republic—or seek to become a part of the United States.


Beleaguered Europe

  1. 03rd March 2016
  2. Peter G. Nathan

The European Union is having a tough time at present. Not only has it had to deal with GREXIT (the possible exit of Greece from the Eurozone), and continuing debt problems in its southern member states, but the widely reported enormous refugee crisis as well. Now to add to its concerns, the EU faces both a possible BREXIT, with Britain leaving Europe, and unrest...


Better Than...

  1. 01st March 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Mankind is always seeking something better than what we currently have. We want something stronger, lighter, faster, cheaper, safer, longer lasting and more effective. We want the proverbial “better mousetrap.” But, what really is best for you?


Chasing Two Rabbits

  1. 27th February 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever felt like you were being pulled in several directions at once, and you just weren’t able to achieve your goals? We can have excellent goals—and yet not know which ones to pursue with the limited time and resources we have!


Britain Prepares for Vote on EU Membership

  1. 25th February 2016
  2. John Meakin

It was William Shakespeare who once put it so memorably: “To be, or not to be, that is the question”! Let’s for a moment reframe and reapply (with apologies!) the noble bard’s sentiment to 2016 politics in the land of his birth. Thus, we might ask, “To be, or to not to be, in the European Union; that is the question.”


Gods of Cinema Versus the Real God

  1. 23rd February 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

Hollywood likes to make movies about gods, these days—whether it is the real God of the Bible, or some fictional being out of myths and legends. But how do these stories impact your beliefs?


What Profit Is It?

  1. 20th February 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

We all seek to profit from our various endeavors. We want a return on our investment of time, effort, work, energy and money. Seeking profit is not wrong. But what is truly profitable?


Will God Trump Politics?

  1. 18th February 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

The February 9 New Hampshire primary, much like the February 1 Iowa caucus, revealed how frustrated Americans have become with their political leaders. Republican and Democratic voters alike favored candidates generally seen as outside the Washington establishment—candidates promising fundamental change. But do any of them truly have answers to the nation’s...


The Faith of Children

  1. 16th February 2016
  2. Mike DeSimone

The night was black and stormy and the wind was furious. To my twelve-year-old eyes there was only one hope. I had just discovered I had lost an overvalued $20 bill earlier in the day as I was strolling home from a neighborhood friend’s house. I had worked hard to earn the money, and had a burning desire to get it back. So I prayed to God, asking Him to allow me...


In Pastures Green

  1. 13th February 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

In this time when we are all being urged to "go green" in every part of our daily lives, we may lose sight of the word picture painted in Psalm 23, which is probably the most oft quoted Psalm in the Bible. I like the way it is expressed in the old English hymn by William Havergal, a well-known writer of hymns (1793–1870).

