Commentary | Page 98 | Tomorrow's World


What is God's form of government?

  1. 23rd July 2016
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

As United States citizens execute their democratic right to elect their next President, a true Christian should pause and ask a more fundamental question—is there a better answer?


Disaster Will Come Upon Disaster

  1. 21st July 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Watching the news is like watching one long disaster movie. One wild fire follows another, destroying hundreds of homes and thousands of wooded acres. One flood follows another, washing away everything in its path. The intensity and frequency of disasters is increasing.


"Impossible is Nothing"

  1. 19th July 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

When I learned of the death of famous boxer Muhammad Ali, my mind immediately began to recall some of his most famous words and victories. Though Ali was not a Christian, one of his quotes helped me both in and beyond my academic pursuits.


Why Terrorism?

  1. 16th July 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Each day brings new and unsettling developments in all sectors and levels of our country and other developed nations, spawning uncertainty and fear, as people go about their daily routines of work and leisure activities. As one contemplates this situation, the question is raised, "Why terrorism?" Why has this become a global problem, which everyone deals with...


Apocalypse, or Business as Usual?

  1. 14th July 2016
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Disaster after disaster, misery heaped upon misery—drought, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, diseases—dominate the news these days. Does it seem as if these things are growing more intense, or is it just that they are “better reported” than ever? The age-old debate intensifies, as the “realists” disdain the “doomsayers” and the “doomsayers” point accusatory...


An Apology Goes a Long Way

  1. 12th July 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

We've all heard the public apologies of company spokespersons, sports figures, politicians, movie stars or celebrities. We can usually tell whether they mean it or if they're just reading a carefully worded script. When we've been wronged, we expect an apology. But it may be hard for us to apologize when we have wronged someone. Why is apology so important in...


The Last Shot

  1. 09th July 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As visitors flock to Washington, D.C., in this summer’s travel season, the memorials of wars fought by the United States of America will be a main attraction. These memorials are a stark reminder of the high price paid in death, destruction, and human suffering from which it takes generations to recover. Yet, there are those who died in a great war in this...


Good dogs gone bad

  1. 07th July 2016
  2. Rod McNair

My cell phone rang with an urgent call from my wife: "Daisy's out—I need your help!" I finished my business, hopped in the car and hurried home through the rain, thankful I was just a few minutes away.


"Christian Soldiers?"

  1. 05th July 2016
  2. William Williams

Can a Christian be a “warrior for God”—that is, in the literal sense of fighting in the militaries of this world—and still obey Jesus Christ? Is there such a thing as a militant soldier for Christ, or an entire army of such soldiers? Or, are true Christians in this age called to fight in a different way?


Divided We Fall

  1. 02nd July 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Many have heard the phrase “United we stand, divided we fall.” Perhaps it is best known from a speech given by Abraham Lincoln on June 16, 1858, at the Illinois Republican State Convention. But it is clearly an ancient Biblical precept well worth remembering.

