Commentary | Page 97 | Tomorrow's World


A Different Gospel?

  1. 21st April 2016
  2. Adam J. West

In the pages of the Holy Bible, we find an astounding fact about the world in which we live! Revelation 12:9 states, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Do you believe that there is a very real Satan the Devil who has...


The Reason for Riots

  1. 19th April 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Rioting is in the news, but is sadly nothing new in one sense. Throughout history, hunger, oppression, injustice, or even drunken celebrations run amok have often sparked civil disturbances. Race and rice, war and whiskey, blackouts and beer, sports and sugar, prisons and politics—have all caused riots. But what is the real reason for riots?


"A life well spent…"

  1. 16th April 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

I suppose it is a sign of growing older when one gets into the habit of reading the obituaries in the newspaper. Especially if you have been in one place for a very long time, you find the names of friends, business associates, and people with whom you have come into contact written up on the obituary pages. It is a sobering reminder of our mortality as human...


Zionism and the United Nations

  1. 14th April 2016
  2. William Williams

With all the troubles facing Israel and the Middle East, newsreaders could easily miss—or ignore—an argument over posters. But, quite often, “little” issues highlight big human interest stories. One Jewish outreach group’s clash with the United Nations over a Jewish history display might do exactly that.


Do You Practice Being a Christian?

  1. 12th April 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Many people claim they are “Christian.” But not many actually practice the religion they claim as their own. Is it important to practice following Christ’s teachings?


A Time Like No Other

  1. 09th April 2016
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

Do you have special memories of “the good old days?” Were they safer? More innocent, somehow? Many who grew up in former decades, especially the sixties, the fifties, and earlier—do remember: things were different! It’s not just wishful thinking and fond memories, distorted by time.


God Made the Moon

  1. 07th April 2016
  2. Ron Herron (guest columnist)

Many years ago, when my son was about two years old, I used to carry him around on my shoulders and attempt to teach him important things about life. One night I pointed to the bright, full moon and told him, “God made the Moon.” In his small, new voice he would repeat, “God bade boon?!” I thought that what he said was priceless, and I would prompt him to say it...


You Can See Invisible Things

  1. 05th April 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Lots of things are invisible to our eyes. For example, we cannot see gravity, radio waves, or sound. In the world of make-believe, magic cloaks or rings can make one invisible. In science fiction, cloaking devices make spaceships invisible. Scientists work with stealth technology to try to make things seem invisible, or as close as possible. But, what about the...


What “Woman”? What “Beast”?

  1. 02nd April 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

All eyes are on the heart of Europe as the streets of major cities run red with the blood of mass shooting and suicide bombing victims in crowded public places. Islamic extremists bent on bringing down their host countries as they strive to expand the Caliphate, their idea of a world ruling government, have wrought death and terrible injuries. Police and civil...


How to Live Life Skillfully

  1. 31st March 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Life presents us with little problems, big problems, and more problems. Bad things happen to us. The car unexpectedly breaks down. We may contract an illness or suffer an injury, accident, or tragedy. We may lose a job. Someone dear to us may die. How do we deal with these circumstances when all we want is a healthy and happy life?

