A Healthy Dose of Spirituality?
- 04th October 2016
- Jonathan Bueno
How far will you go to get healthy? Maybe the best medicine isn’t the kind you get from a doctor or a vitamin store.
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How far will you go to get healthy? Maybe the best medicine isn’t the kind you get from a doctor or a vitamin store.
What is your favorite story? The power of a well-told parable can change a life, for those who understand.
It was an especially hot summer day growing up in rural Tennessee! Relief from the heat was nowhere to be found—unless we disobeyed my mother’s direct command, “Do not go swimming in that nasty cow pond!” Boys will be boys, the saying goes, as five brothers formulated a resourceful and cunning plan to go swimming without getting caught.
Christ is called the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ preached peace. Many think that He came to bring peace on earth. But, right up to present times, no true or lasting peace exists on earth. There is only continuous war. Did Christ fail in His mission to bring peace to this world?
It has come to my attention this week—September 21, specifically—is the 34th annual International Day of Peace, declared by the United Nations: a time to focus on "peacebuilding" and putting an end to war and conflict. A noble idea, to be sure. But in its celebration, will the essential ingredients to peace be discussed anywhere, by anyone?
In some religious circles, professing Christians argue that preaching Bible prophecy is irrelevant, or even contrary, to preaching the Gospel message! Bible prophecy may be an interesting topic, they say, but prophecy is not significant to our salvation. Is that true? Many professing Christians believe that the gospel is only about the person of Christ, and they...
A generation ago, audiences around the world were enthralled by the Star Wars Trilogy, an epic story about the struggle between good and evil. The colorful, memorable characters were either on the side of the "force" representing good or the "dark side" representing evil. One could envision a number of obvious analogies in this tale and it made for exciting...
Kim Dotcom has won the right to make live video of his extradition trial public on the Internet, but are we mindful that all our actions are, in a very real way, constantly livestreamed?
Media bias is a common topic for discussion in the U.S. This problem is not confined to the U.S. however. Some years ago I visited a major journalism school in Bordeaux, France, and asked what the students were learning. Among other things, the Director said the school taught that there was "no such thing as objective reality." He said that since reporters could...
Would you build your own house in a flood zone on ground below sea level? Most would not do this and if they did, they would lack common sense. How about a city? Does it make sense to build and perpetuate a metropolitan area on land below sea level? The question might be—can it be done? Obviously, under optimum conditions it may be done and maintained if massive...