Commentary | Page 95 | Tomorrow's World



  1. 09th June 2016
  2. Rand Millich

Once the nation of the United States of America was established, what role did religion play in the years following? Was there a wall of separation between religion and the state? Many believe that the Founding Fathers delivered the nation from the influence of religion and the Bible. Let us examine the facts.


Dangers of visual immorality

  1. 07th June 2016
  2. Jeffrey Fall

Society today seems inundated with visual images of human sexuality. You see it everywhere: ads in the newspaper, scenes on television and in movies, magazines, the Internet, and on the street—people wearing tight or skimpy clothing that screams, "Look at me!" It all encourages roving eyes and roving minds. Is all this perfectly harmless, or does it have a...


Take the "Dys" Out of Dysfunctional!

  1. 04th June 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

What happened to the “functional” family? You know, the one with a Dad and a Mom and children centered around the home, doing the things families do, working together, playing together, laughing and sometimes crying together?


R-E-S-P-E-C-T Your Husband

  1. 02nd June 2016
  2. Richard Franz

All husbands have a deep-seated desire for their wives to believe in them. Many husbands do what they do for the admiration of one woman: their wife. Ladies, remember back when you were first dating your husband? You gladly and enthusiastically played the role of his cheerleader; you motivated him with your eyes that were filled with pride and admiration. You...


Idols of the Heart?

  1. 31st May 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

What do you worship, and how? Many people profess belief in God, or in many gods, and worship them in countless ways. But consider for a moment: Do you worship the true God of all creation or an idol? That question might be harder to answer than you think. “Idols?” you may ask. “I have no idols! I would never worship a physical object as a god!” you may declare...


The Weight of the Bible

  1. 28th May 2016
  2. Marc Arseneault

What is the difference between most of modern "Christianity" and the teachings of the Bible? The answer may be very surprising, but a short analogy comparing the Bible to a real conundrum concerning weights and measurements may help you understand.


The Long Walk From Eden

  1. 26th May 2016
  2. William Williams

What if you could travel the Earth, expenses paid, from Africa to Jerusalem and from Asia to the Americas? Well, one man is doing that, right now! No, he will not literally tread across the Pacific Ocean on some kind of special rubber gadget footgear… but he is covering a lot of distance on foot, in service of National Geographic.


A Good Mystery

  1. 24th May 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

a mysterious looking man holding a Bible Many people enjoy a good mystery. Mystery books by authors like Agatha Christie, Alfred Hitchcock and a host of others appeal to the desire for suspense and intrigue—and memorable characters such as the Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes capture our attention with their adventures. But what about another book, that far predates...


Lord, When WILL All of This End?

  1. 21st May 2016
  2. Marc Arseneault

Once, while I was waiting to watch the news, I remember several ads that were playing. There was nothing remarkable in this, by itself; ads are part of the daily bombardment of modern society. What got my attention this time, however, was that one ad was about a video game, and the narrator mentioned right from the start: “Rated for Teenagers.” I then saw image...


Are You Talking to Yourself?

  1. 19th May 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Every day, all day, our “inner voice” chatters away at us in an internal monologue we have with ourselves. This “discussion” can be positive or negative, and greatly impacts our life.

