Commentary | Page 93 | Tomorrow's World


The Graphic Danger of Pornography

  1. 25th August 2016
  2. Adam J. West

The statistics are shocking. The average age at which a child is first exposed to pornography is between 11 and 12! Forty million Americans are regular visitors to Internet porn sites. In a typical month, 70 percent of American men aged 18–24 visit pornography Web sites. Twenty-five percent of all search engine requests—68 million a day!—are pornography related...


Leaders to Confusion

  1. 23rd August 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Do some of the decisions made by our leaders leave you feeling befuddled and confused? We may think to ourselves, “How could any rational human being come to such strange conclusions and make such decisions?” We have leaders at many different levels, whether our nations, states, local communities, companies where we work, our schools, or other organized bodies...


A Beautiful Lie

  1. 20th August 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The church auditorium was full of friends and relatives that had come to pay respects and to comfort the grieving family. A dear lady had died of an illness that was unresponsive to treatment. She was beloved mother and grandmother as well as a staunch supporter of her husband in a successful family business. She was not young, but not old either and her loss...


Testimony to the Battle of the Somme

  1. 18th August 2016
  2. Ben Maddox (guest columnist)

One hundred years ago this past June, British and French forces unleashed an unprecedented offensive during the First World War, against German forces along the Western Front. Although Britain and her allies won the “Great War,” the Battle of the Somme became, to many, a testimony to the futility of fighting a “War to End All Wars.” By November 1916, the Allies...


Race Riots Ahead?

  1. 16th August 2016
  2. Jonathan Bueno

If only Ferguson, Missouri were the end of a terrible, disheartening story. Sadly, it was not. Recent publicized shootings of black men by police officers has ignited waves of protests in the United States, and has resulted in two confirmed retaliatory shootings of police officers in both Dallas, Texas and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. What is going on? Will there be...


Are You a Hater?

  1. 13th August 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Television and Internet news is littered with images of demonstrators holding “hater” signs and chanting a mantra of “Don’t be a hater!” Is it wrong to disagree with the beliefs and the ways some people live and act, and even to hate things that are wrong?


Human Trafficking

  1. 11th August 2016
  2. Richard Franz

One of the most serious crimes of global proportions is human trafficking, which in the 21st century is second only to drug trafficking in terms of magnitude. The term “human trafficking” in a broad sense is often defined as the illegal trade of humans for the purpose of sexual and labor exploitation.


Has the Red Horse Been Released?

  1. 09th August 2016
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

More human beings have been killed in war and genocide from World War I to now than ever before in the same span of time. Warfare, natural disasters, religious confusion and religious strife, economic calamity, immorality and famine all seem to be increasing. Prophecy is clearly marching forward. Has the second seal been opened? Has the Red Horse been released?


The Winds of Change

  1. 06th August 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Everyone has opinions, and it seems that the opinions are constantly changing. As this tumultuous election season in the United States unfolds, we see the candidates relying on opinion polls to guide their strategy as they verbally thrust and parry, trying to best their opponents. Huge amounts of money are being spent to gauge the likes and dislikes, beliefs,...


That Just Happened!

  1. 04th August 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

A major prophetic event happened just weeks ago, and you may not even have noticed! When Britain voted to leave the European Union, the world—and especially the EU—was shocked and alarmed at the economic and political significance. And yet, for many, the event is already “off the media radar”—but what is the real significance of “Brexit?” Without reading further...

