Commentary | Page 91 | Tomorrow's World


One "Strongman" to Rule Them All?

  1. 13th October 2016
  2. William Williams

Dictators come and go, but what is happening in the 21st century? If people flock to powerful, charismatic leaders, what will happen when one comes along and promises to bring world peace before the return of Jesus Christ?


Why Gender Confusion?

  1. 11th October 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Is gender really a matter of choice? God’s teachings tell us it isn’t, and for some very important reasons that will help you understand His plan for humankind. Some things are so obvious that there should be no question about whether they are fact or fiction. Is it up or down, black or white, hot or cold? The physical facts determine the answer.  And yet, in...


When Satan is bound for 1000 years

  1. 08th October 2016
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Faithful Christians annually observe the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) as a recurring reminder that Satan the Devil will soon be bound and imprisoned in the abyss for 1000 years.  But, the Day of Atonement represents much more than that.


An Evil Eye

  1. 06th October 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Is the "evil eye" some weird curse, or is it an attitude that we should strive to overcome? How do you look on those less fortunate than you?


A Story Well Told

  1. 01st October 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

What is your favorite story? The power of a well-told parable can change a life, for those who understand.


Learning lessons – the hard way!

  1. 29th September 2016
  2. James W. Sweat

It was an especially hot summer day growing up in rural Tennessee! Relief from the heat was nowhere to be found—unless we disobeyed my mother’s direct command, “Do not go swimming in that nasty cow pond!” Boys will be boys, the saying goes, as five brothers formulated a resourceful and cunning plan to go swimming without getting caught.


Did Christ Fail in His Mission to Bring Peace?

  1. 24th September 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

Christ is called the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ preached peace. Many think that He came to bring peace on earth. But, right up to present times, no true or lasting peace exists on earth. There is only continuous war. Did Christ fail in His mission to bring peace to this world?


International Day of Peace

  1. 22nd September 2016
  2. Wallace G. Smith

It has come to my attention this week—September 21, specifically—is the 34th annual International Day of Peace, declared by the United Nations: a time to focus on "peacebuilding" and putting an end to war and conflict. A noble idea, to be sure. But in its celebration, will the essential ingredients to peace be discussed anywhere, by anyone?


Prophecy vs. the Gospel?

  1. 20th September 2016
  2. Richard F. Ames

In some religious circles, professing Christians argue that preaching Bible prophecy is irrelevant, or even contrary, to preaching the Gospel message! Bible prophecy may be an interesting topic, they say, but prophecy is not significant to our salvation. Is that true? Many professing Christians believe that the gospel is only about the person of Christ, and they...

