Commentary | Page 84 | Tomorrow's World


Deliver Us From Evil...

  1. 07th March 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Many are familiar with the phrase “deliver us from evil,” which is part of the Lord’s Prayer. There is a reason this phrase was included in the model prayer given by Jesus Christ. Do you feel safe? Most do not, as is evidenced by the actions of many who are taking extra precautions to ensure the personal safety of themselves and their family members.


Diamonds and stones

  1. 04th March 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

In southwest Arkansas there is a diamond mine. That's right, a genuine diamond mine. At the turn of the 20th century diamonds were mined commercially at the site, producing high-grade diamonds, mostly colored stones. When the lode no longer yielded diamonds in sufficient quantities to be commercially feasible, the mining operation shut down. The land owner would...


Let There Be Light

  1. 02nd March 2017
  2. William Williams

Never take light for granted. It is one of the basic needs of life. Even in the ocean depths, untouched by daylight, there are organisms that use light and are equipped to produce “bioluminescence” for a variety of functions. Plants need it. Animals need it. You need it.


Things Old and New

  1. 28th February 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

We all like new things. Things get old and wear out. Sometimes we simply get tired of the old. But, we also highly value some old things because they are comfortable and treasured. We enjoy getting a new pair of shoes, but we still love our old, comfy slippers. We enjoy meeting new people and making new friends, but what is dearer than an old friend with whom we...


A Line in the Sand

  1. 25th February 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

In 1836, a very significant battle took place on the American frontier. In an old Spanish mission known as the Alamo, a poignant scene played out. As the sounds of “Toque a Degüello,” a battle anthem that signified “no quarter,” were heard from outside the mission walls, the besieged defenders knew that General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna was giving notice that...


“Good ‘uns’” and “Bad ‘uns’”

  1. 23rd February 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

“Un” is a prefix in English meaning “not.” Adding it to a word changes that word to the opposite meaning. For example, “fair” becomes “unfair.” Some “un” words describe negative behavior or character, but some describe desirable traits.


Is It a Conspiracy?

  1. 21st February 2017
  2. Glen Gilchrist (1954-2014)

For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated with the roles of real or imagined conspiracies in the lives of individuals and societies. It's no different today.


Ask Not...

  1. 18th February 2017
  2. Brian Pomicter

A little more than two generations ago, on January 20, 1961, in his only inaugural address, United States President John F. Kennedy called on his audience to support him in advancing the ideals of freedom and common prosperity. A little more than 50 years later, how have the U.S. and other Western nations fared in achieving President Kennedy’s goal?


By Prayer and Fasting...

  1. 16th February 2017
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Scripture tells us what our Savior did to acquire spiritual strength, in connection with the devil's attack on Him: "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted [or tried] by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry" (Matthew 4:1–2). Notice—He fasted!


Nihilism: Refuge of Those Without Hope

  1. 14th February 2017
  2. Brian Pomicter

Years ago, a television ad posed the question, “If you’re going nowhere today, where will you be tomorrow?” I was impressed by its message since, as a young teen, I was at that age where the mind starts to mature and focus more on the future. As we grow up, we inevitably look beyond the current day and develop a "game plan" for life.

