Commentary | Page 84 | Tomorrow's World


These Disunited States of America

  1. 27th June 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As we remembered 1776 and celebrated the anniversary of the birth of the United States of America, countless Americans were reminded, if only for a day, of the heroic beginnings of this great nation. Many years have passed since that sweltering summer in Philadelphia when the Declaration of Independence was signed, but they are only a short time in the flow of...


Summer Fruit

  1. 24th June 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A recent trip to a local outdoor produce market revealed a wide variety of locally grown produce on display, including many vegetables as well as colorful fruits such as strawberries, peaches and plums—beautiful things to eat. It is the beginning of the season, and the fruits and vegetables are fresh and plentiful. The abundance was amazing, and the market was...


A Pig in a Poke…

  1. 22nd June 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Have you ever made a bad purchase? Perhaps you bought a defective appliance or an automobile that turned out to be a “lemon.” The product or service did not turn out to be what you thought you were buying. In such cases, we may say that we “bought a pig in a poke.”


The Longest War

  1. 20th June 2017
  2. William Williams

During the week of May 7, 2017, the news that the Trump Administration is considering re-escalating U.S. efforts in the Afghan conflict made headlines. In response to what appears to be a resurgent Taliban, military and foreign policy advisers worry that without new, decisive military actions, much ground could be lost in what is now recognized as “America’s...


50 Years and 6 Days

  1. 17th June 2017
  2. Mark Sandor

When you hear of prophecy, it immediately makes you think of the future. Those of us who believe the Bible is the inspired word of God often look towards the prophecies of God’s future intervention in world affairs to take heart in a troubled world. Reviewing scriptures about the return of Jesus Christ (Revelation 7), the resurrection of the saints (1...


The Six Days War—A Legacy and a Lesson

  1. 15th June 2017
  2. William Williams

“The Holy Land, with Jerusalem at its heart, is a place where the great tectonic plates of religion, culture and nationalism come together. The fault lines that run between them are never quiet and always dangerous. Ignoring the legacy of 1967 is not an option.” So reads the closing paragraph of a recent BBC article about the Six Days War, the dire conflict...


"Beyond What is Written"

  1. 13th June 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

We usually applaud those who take initiative and “go above and beyond.” But sometimes “going beyond” is not a good idea. For example, why are there many differing Christian denominations? Did they go “beyond what is written”?


Brexit: Shock UK Election Result!

  1. 09th June 2017
  2. John Meakin

The astonishing outcome of the United Kingdom’s June 8 General Election was the one least expected or desired: a “hung” parliament, in which no clear winner emerged. The pound slumped against the dollar and euro to its lowest levels in seven months. Several newspaper headlines proclaimed “May’s Gamble Backfires.”


...Until it Happens to You

  1. 08th June 2017
  2. William Williams

When tragedy strikes, sometimes it is said that you cannot fully understand the suffering “until it happens to you”—whatever “it” happens to be. On May 22, the suicide bombing of a popular concert in Manchester, England brought home that statement to the families of 23 victims killed, as well as 116 survivors and their families—tragedy has “happened to them.”...


If Walls Could Talk…

  1. 03rd June 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The ruins of an ancient wall built in 122 AD at the northern boundary of Britannia are still clearly visible. Emperor Hadrian built the wall for border control against the barbarians in this remote part of the Roman Empire. Was it successful in fulfilling its purpose? Only temporarily; the empire eventually collapsed, and the northern tribes poured over the wall.

