Commentary | Page 76 | Tomorrow's World


For Signs and Seasons

  1. 14th September 2017
  2. Jonathan Bueno

Most people don't really know the plan and purpose of God, but there are a real set of annual holy days that spell it out—and you can learn what they are, and when they take place!


Could You Have Been Fooled?

  1. 12th September 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Most people have heard the famous quote from President Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." There is truth in that statement. But it is also a scary thought that you or I can be fooled at least some of the time. I don't want to be fooled. Do you?


The Blessing of the Feast of Tabernacles

  1. 09th September 2017
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

All around the world, faithful Christians are preparing to celebrate the great Feast that Jesus Christ and the apostles observed two millennia ago. This is the same Feast that all of the world will learn to celebrate in the coming Kingdom of God. The Feast of Tabernacles is a joyous celebration. It is also a commanded assembly that true Christians continue to...


Ancient Paths

  1. 07th September 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Ancient paths, found on every continent, were used by people living centuries ago to travel from place to place and trade their goods. These ancient pathways were the best route—or sometimes the only route—to take to arrive safely at the desired destination.


Offline to Reality?

  1. 05th September 2017
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

I still remember once seeing a cartoon that summed up an interesting trend in Western society. It showed four children playing on a park bench with their tablets and devices, with a desolate playground in the background. The caption read, “children playing.” This satire illustrates a stark and troubling phenomenon. In our desire to virtually connect through...


Ages to Come

  1. 02nd September 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Consider, for a moment, the geologic timeline of the Earth, which estimates our planet to be 4.5 billion years old. The age of the universe is three times longer, estimated at 13.8 billion years. Since man’s average lifespan is generally shorter than a mere century, we cannot adequately comprehend billions of years.


Mr. Know It All

  1. 31st August 2017
  2. Brian Pomicter

The mystery of the future is one of the captivating elements in the mind of a young person as he or she imagines life ahead. Children come to wonder about their personal futures. A young boy may declare that when he grows up, he wants to fly jet aircraft. One of my own sons wanted to operate heavy earth moving equipment. My granddaughter wants to be a princess....


The Real "Walking Dead"

  1. 29th August 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

The “walking dead” or zombie genre of movies and television programs must be very popular. I see advertisements for them every time I turn on the television. Are there really “walking dead?” A long time ago, I saw my first (and last!) zombie movie. With all due respect to the actors, actresses, and producers, I was—and still am—thoroughly unimpressed. Any little...


A Bloody Business

  1. 26th August 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a daily deluge of news stories about gun violence and the deaths of young people involved in gang activity, or another ambush of a police officer, or a protest that becomes a riot, often with loss of life and property damage. Big metropolises like Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Houston and even smaller cities like Little Rock, Arkansas seem unable to...


Many will long remember the “great eclipse” of 2017. Some believe that it was some kind of sign from God. And many believe that a similar solar eclipse marked the Crucifixion and death of Jesus. What really happened at Jesus’ death was both amazing and well-documented—but it was no mere solar eclipse!

