Commentary | Page 62 | Tomorrow's World


Your Cities Are Burned With Fire

  1. 13th December 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

Many have watched recent news reports of the raging fires destroying communities in California. The number of lives lost, acres burned, homes destroyed, and missing persons climbs day by day. Throughout history, including Biblical history, fire has consumed many cities. 2018 has been a particularly destructive year for fires in California, following several...


Prosperity and Prophecy

  1. 11th December 2018
  2. Mark Sandor

Ten years have passed since the 2008 financial crisis, and most Americans are now pleased with the direction of their nation’s economy. Unemployment is down and the stock market is up! Most news outlets are primarily concerned not with arguing about the strength of the economy, but with making sure that their party or president gets credit for it. They excel at...


The opium of the people

  1. 08th December 2018
  2. Jeffrey Fall

The atheistic philosopher Karl Marx, an evolutionist and a contemporary of Charles Darwin, once called religion the "opium of the people."  In our day, however, Darwin's theories and their successors have become the "opium of the people"—dulling the mindset of the educated and uneducated alike.


Whose Birthday is It?

  1. 06th December 2018
  2. William Williams

Come December 25, someone gets a birthday party! But it isn’t who most people think, as they prepare once again to celebrate Christmas. Along with Easter, Christmas is one of the most recognized holidays on the calendar. Professing Christians worldwide look to its various traditions for warmth, comfort, and inspiration. But, did the first Christians actually...


Warring With Evil

  1. 04th December 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

True Christians are at war and are therefore soldiers. True Christians must fight. But who is the enemy, and how must a Christian fight?


Whither the Rainbow?

  1. 01st December 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There it is, the rainbow flag, proudly waving at “Gay Pride” celebrations throughout the Western world, as the homosexual and transgender community demonstrates its political and social clout. This small demographic has pressed for recognition, shattering millennia of societal taboos and resulting in a forced acceptance of behavior that is universally...


The Power of Thought

  1. 27th November 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

Thoughts are powerful. Our thoughts produce words and actions, which bring either positive or negative consequences. Thoughts do have real power, as is demonstrated in the Bible.


Mister Know It All

  1. 24th November 2018
  2. Brian Pomicter

The mystery of the future is one of the captivating elements in the mind of a young person as he or she imagines life ahead. Children come to wonder about their personal futures. A young boy may declare that when he grows up, he wants to fly jet aircraft. One of my own sons wanted to operate heavy earth moving equipment. My granddaughter wants to be a princess....


Are You Thankful?

  1. 20th November 2018
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

As millions across the United States prepare to gather around their tables for Thanksgiving Day feasts on this upcoming fourth Thursday in November, we should take a moment to consider the blessings we have received—and the source of those blessings!

