Commentary | Page 55 | Tomorrow's World


Guarding Your Tongue Against Evil

  1. 27th July 2019
  2. William Williams

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a common comeback when I was in grade school, but the truth is that words really can do great harm. Children generally aimed this singsong ditty at bullies, and while it is good to rise above petty insults and vindictive criticism, it’s also important to watch our own words. Actually, those...


Real Hope for Real Change

  1. 24th July 2019
  2. Brian Pomicter

It seems there is precious little in the news today to give cause for optimism about the future. Indicators everywhere suggest that life could become a lot rougher. Many people look around and grow discouraged by what they see. For some, their personal lives have been or are becoming destitute of hope. But is there any real reason for hope?


The Old Man

  1. 20th July 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

When people are young, they often want to be older. When they are old, they often want to be younger—or at least to look and feel younger. Common to nearly everyone is the desire to be rejuvenated and renewed.


Peddling the Gospel?

  1. 17th July 2019
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever wondered how and why the organization that supports the Tomorrow's World television and publishing efforts never asks the viewing public for money? It seems that a hallmark for religious broadcasting is an emphasis on appeals for contributions. The message is often short on spiritual content and long on "send us money."


Criticism of the Bible

  1. 13th July 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?


It's My Right!

  1. 10th July 2019
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Those of us whose lifespan goes back to the Great Depression can still recall the image of grown men selling pencils on street corners. The common attitude saw life as a day-to-day struggle for existence. The United States had stalled in its tracks, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a monumental job on his hands seeking to stir up a nation to get out and...


God's Blessings and Curses

  1. 06th July 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

Say the word “curse” and most people think of casting spells, witchcraft, black magic, voodoo dolls, hexes, and jinxes. A curse is an utterance made with the ill intent to inflict misfortune, adversity, or punishment on someone by means of supernatural power, such as magic or evil spirits. Are curses real?


Celebrating Origins

  1. 03rd July 2019
  2. Carl E. McNair (1937–2004)

So, it's the Fourth of July (in the U.S.A.)—big deal! Are national holidays like this really important?


A Malevolent Spirit

  1. 29th June 2019
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

“Breaking News!” blares the media as another tragic shooting, bombing, knifing, or other terroristic act occurs in a church, synagogue, or amongst any gathering of people. Just by going about daily life, people expose themselves to the real danger of being killed or injured by religious fanatics or violent, glory-seeking criminal shooters. Individuals or groups...


Don't Fall for It!

  1. 26th June 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

Falling is hazardous to our health, often causing injury and sometimes even death. We fall many times in life; as toddlers learning to walk, as youths playing sports, and as adults in our homes. Falling is especially dangerous as we get older when our gait falters and our bones are brittle. But we can also fall spiritually. Why do we fall, and what can we do to...

