Commentary | Page 48 | Tomorrow's World


Many people suffer from fear of the unknown. Whether regarding a first day of school, the first day on a new job, a coming marriage, or flying on an airplane for the first time, we all feel fear and anxiety from time to time. Now in the year 2020 there is another fear of the unknown—SARS CoV-2—better known as COVID-19.


We learn and communicate so much more when we meet face to face. Words are a big part of communication, but the face expresses so much of what is in the heart. David, the Psalmist, spoke of seeking God’s face. How can we seek God’s face if we can’t see Him?


A Light to My Path and a Lesson from a Dog

  1. 20th May 2020
  2. Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

Nola the labradoodle There are times when I think that my dog may be smarter than I am. I believe that most dog owners feel this way at some point. This thought occurred to me on an evening when she helped teach me a valuable life lesson.


Music of Praise in the Bible

  1. 16th May 2020
  2. Josh Lyons

People who love the Bible know that many of its scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, reference songs, singing, and music. Praising God in song is a beautiful and enjoyable way to express love, adoration, and gratitude, along with appropriate emotion, to God the Father—and sometimes can even be a healthy way to express sorrow and sadness.


If Walls Could Talk…

  1. 13th May 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The ruins of an ancient wall built in 122 AD at the northern boundary of Britannia are still clearly visible. Emperor Hadrian built the wall for border control against the barbarians in this remote part of the Roman Empire. Was it successful in fulfilling its purpose? Only temporarily; the empire eventually collapsed, and the northern tribes poured over the wall.


One of the tragedies of modern American life is that every event is given a political slant. The COVID-19 pandemic is no different, as most politicians and media outlets seem more concerned about scoring political points than coming together for the good of nations. While honest disagreements about how to help the public may arise in these times, it looks like...


Famine and Food Shortage Coming?

  1. 06th May 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, asking Him to tell them the sign of His return and the end of the age. Answering them, Jesus described religious deception bearing His name but deceiving many. But He also mentioned wars and rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, and famines. Are severe famines on the horizon?


“It’s humbling.” The owner of a small business was relating to me his feelings about the rapidly unfolding COVID-19 crisis. We had just met, striking up conversation while waiting for an appointment. He had around 70 employees in his manufacturing company and he was scrambling to keep ahead of events. This was in the early days of the virus’ impact in the U.S.,...


Is There a "Life Hack" for COVID-19?

  1. 29th April 2020
  2. Jonathan McNair

For the uninitiated, “hack,” in modern vernacular, means “shortcut.” It’s emerged from our fascination with all things computer-related. Of course, there is a more specific definition. According to Kaspersky Labs, “Computer hacking is the act of identifying and exploiting system and network vulnerabilities in order to obtain unauthorized access to those systems...


COVID-19 and Redeeming the Time

  1. 25th April 2020
  2. Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

Every spring break, I take the time to work on a home-improvement project. This year, it was renovating my bathroom. Since I work for the school system, spring break is a great time to do these projects, because I don’t have to go to work and my kid spends the week at his grandmother’s house. However, something strange occurred that threw a wrench in that plan...

