Commentary | Page 36 | Tomorrow's World


Develop a Family Disaster Plan

  1. 21st July 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

Jesus talked much about the signs of the end of the age, saying that wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecution, and lawlessness would abound. The apostle Paul told Timothy that “in the last days perilous times will come” (2 Timothy 3:1). Are you prepared? Do you have a family disaster plan?


Never Too Late to Quit

  1. 17th July 2021
  2. William Williams

“Have You Quit Smoking? New Study Has Both Good And Bad News For You.” This headline introduces a recent Forbes report about the dangers of cigarette addiction. Eight times more Americans die per year from smoking-related health issues than died in the Vietnam War.


The Value of Being Chastened

  1. 14th July 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

Chastening—along with related terms such as chastisement, correction, and discipline—is often considered negative and equated with punishment, spanking, being yelled at, having privileges removed, or suffering other penalties. But can chastening actually good for us?


Times of Refreshing

  1. 10th July 2021
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Do you ever feel entrapped by urban sprawl? Do you long for the peace and tranquility of a panoramic scene of natural beauty, like a glacier-fed lake at the foot of snow-covered mountains with cool crisp air filling your lungs—without the rumble, roar, and clang of traffic noises? Would fresh trout on the banks of a flowing stream make a delicious supper as a...


A Coming Global Famine?

  1. 07th July 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

A famine is a shortage of food—an age-old problem that has persisted into the modern era. Did you know that in the last two centuries, tens of millions have died from starvation? And did you know that conditions are ripe for a global famine?


"The Bridge"

  1. 03rd July 2021
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

In the course of human affairs, we run across relationships that pique our interest and baffle our minds. Such was the often-touchy relationship between two particular brothers, and the lasting impression of one incident involving them has stayed with me from my youth.


“Cancel culture” picks up more steam by the day. Some important books that have experienced censorship recently are Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. Often, censored opinions and viewpoints agree in some way with biblical...


“If It Was Easy...”

  1. 26th June 2021
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There were five kids in my blended family, growing up during the 1950s, and my stepfather was a genius at keeping all of us busy. As kids, we were allowed to play, but first, there was a myriad of chores and maintenance projects that kept us busy doing productive things. The usual chores, like regularly mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, and raking leaves, over...


More Inflation on the Horizon?

  1. 23rd June 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

You don’t have to have a degree in economics to recognize inflation. Just go to the grocery store, retail store, gas station, or shop online, and you discover higher prices.


The Old Dirt Road

  1. 19th June 2021
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

For years, my dad has run—not jogged—down an unpaved road located just a few miles from our home. “The Old Dirt Road,” as we called it, was just one of the many farm roads that decorate the American South. This three-mile, undeveloped byway served my father well for his exercise of choice after a hard day’s work. It also served me, by giving me a chance to learn...

