Commentary | Page 243 | Tomorrow's World


Visual Immorality

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Jeffrey Fall

Today in our society, we seem to be inundated with visual images of human sexuality. You see it everywhere: ads in the newspaper, scenes on television and movies with partial nudity, magazines, the internet, and on the street or at the beach with people wearing tight or skimpy enough clothing that screams: "Look at me!" It all generates roving eyes and roving...


A Cup of Trembling

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Jeffrey Fall

Day after day we hear of more bloodshed in the Middle East. Palestinian suicide bombers and Israeli military actions are a part of life and death in Israel. Violence begets violence! Is there any possible end in sight?


Pandora's Box

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Jeffrey Fall

In recent years, amazing progress has been made in mapping the genetic blueprint of many bacteria and viruses that can cause human disease. The more we understand the genetic code of these microbes, the greater the promise of learning to control their deadly nature. Researchers have held out the possibility of developing new vaccines and antibiotics for all...


Why Do You Go to Church?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Jonathan McNair

In the last few weeks and months, more people have attended church than for most of recent memory. But is this just a passing fad? What's the big deal about church, anyway? Besides, is it really necessary to go to church? Why should you go to church?


To Clone or Not to Clone?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Jeffrey Fall

We hear a lot about cloning today, but it's an idea that has been around for over 30 years. Back in the 60s, embryologists were first able to clone frogs in the laboratory. This was exciting and seemed rather harmless at the time. The process was rather simple since frogs, which are amphibians, readily develop outside of the mother's body. No attachment to the...


Where Was God - and Why?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

A horrifying tragedy struck the United States of America on September 11. Thousands have died, and billions of dollars in damage has been inflicted on America and its business enterprises. We should all feel deep sorrow and compassion for the people and families who are involved. This event has shaken our entire nation! And it should shake each one of us...


Terrorism: Why?

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

A few hours ago, the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City were each struck by airplanes in obvious terrorist attacks against the United States! Then, we heard that a third plane crashed into the Pentagon—the seat of the entire United States defense establishment in Washington, DC. Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska commented: "This is the second...


Smart Teens and Sex

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Smart teenagers don't have sex. A recent study at the University of North Carolina has discovered that bright teenagers delay their first kiss and become sexually active later than adolescents of average intelligence. Teenagers of average intelligence are up to five times more likely to have had sex than are teenagers with higher IQs, according to Dr. Carolyn...


Declaring Our Dependence on God

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Independence Day is a time to celebrate freedom. But many Americans—even many who call themselves Christians—fail to realize that they are not free. Many are slaves to sin. Some even twist Christ’s words and preach that God’s law has been done away with. From the very beginning, some have tried to pervert God’s grace into license. We read in Romans 6:14–16: “For...


Love and Marriage

  1. 06th January 2005
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

A recent Reuters news item sounds at first like a heartwarming story of romance and persistence. "Woman Weds Partner After 24 Years of Proposals." But examined more closely, it reminds us that marriage has been cheapened in today's society.

