Commentary | Page 24 | Tomorrow's World


The Real Spirit of Hallowe’en

  1. 29th October 2022
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The “Day of the Dead” is looming, with all the macabre symbolism of the season. I usually enjoy my daily walk through my residential neighborhood, but in the past few days the scene has changed as giant spiderwebs and partially buried skeletons appear on manicured lawns. Leering skulls with lighted eye sockets peer from simulated graveyards, and a variety of...


Nothing “Hallowed” About Halloween

  1. 26th October 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

The word “hallowed” means made holy or consecrated. There is nothing hallowed in the celebration of Halloween. Like some other holidays that originated in paganism but are celebrated by “Christian” churches today—albeit with new names—Halloween also marched right out of pagan religious practices and into mainstream religion. New labels were applied to centuries-...


<Your Name Here>

  1. 22nd October 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

Most of us have answered questions on various forms requiring our name and address and other personal information. Some multi-page legal documents require our signature “here,” “here,” and “here”! Our name is part of our identity.


Remember Your Creator

  1. 19th October 2022
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

One of the great tragedies of our age is the increase of Alzheimer’s disease, a malevolent condition that robs people, usually the elderly, of their memories and personality, as they slide away into mental darkness. Many have experienced this, and many families have faced the horrific consequences of memory loss and disability that come upon their loved ones.


If the Foundations are Destroyed

  1. 15th October 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

For centuries, historians have studied why empires, nations, or societies collapsed. Various reasons are proposed, just as there are reasons for the collapse of a building or other structure. But, the destruction of the foundation is the central reason. One rainy, windy day when I was a child, we drove past a drive-in theater just as a strong gust of wind...


The 25 Percent

  1. 08th October 2022
  2. Thomas White

In 1951, a psychologist by the name of Solomon Asch conducted a rather unnerving experiment. He had a group of eight people look at four drawn lines—three “comparison” lines and one “target” line. Each member of the group had to say, out loud, which of the comparison lines they thought matched the target one in length, and this was repeated with eighteen sets of...


The Festival Season is Here

  1. 08th October 2022
  2. William Williams

Summer, one of my favorite seasons, is over in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s hot and humid here in the American South, but everything about the summertime—family trips, Fourth of July celebrations, and even the weather—is a wellspring of memories for me. One of my greatest joys was one many kids in the North American school system shared. That was the “release”...


Open My Eyes

  1. 05th October 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

Has someone ever “opened your eyes” to some surprising information you were completely unaware of, or something someone had deceived you about? Or, perhaps, they challenged some long-held belief you had that proved to be incorrect. Maybe you have tried to wake up someone else to the truth about a matter.


Thinking Biblically About Entertainment

  1. 01st October 2022
  2. Mark Sandor

One of the most important principles that anyone aspiring to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ can apply is to think biblically about any given topic—to keep our brains turned on and “tuned in” to what the Bible has to say. And one very important area of life where this principle can be applied is in regards to entertainment.


The Old Dirt Road

  1. 28th September 2022
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

For years, my dad has run—not jogged—down an unpaved road located just a few miles from our home. “The Old Dirt Road,” as we called it, was just one of the many farm roads that decorate the American South. This three-mile, undeveloped byway served my father well for his exercise of choice after a hard day’s work. It also served me, by giving me a chance to learn...

