Commentary | Page 227 | Tomorrow's World


More good news…now the fish are dying!

  1. 30th May 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

What is good about the fish dying, you say? Just this: it is another sign that the rule of Christ on the earth in the Kingdom of God is soon to begin! "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).


Ten really dumb ideas … #7

  1. 25th May 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Sex without responsibilities and without consequences Take a look at our society today. Sexual misconduct and sexual perversion is rampant. Movies, magazines, videos and the internet are dominated by sexually explicit content. Many thinking people are alarmed by the "sexualization" of so much of our society.


Has the weather gone haywire?

  1. 22nd May 2007
  2. Scott D. Winnail

An EF-5 tornado barreled through Greensburg, Kansas on the night of May 4, 2007. The super cell cut a path 1.5 miles wide, totally destroying the town and killing ten people (Wikipedia, May 17, 2007).


Battle for the soul of Europe

  1. 11th May 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article by Andrew Higgins titled: "The New Crusaders: As Religious Strife Grows, Europe's Atheists Seize Pulpit" (subscription required for full article). Its focus is on the rise of passionately "evangelistic" atheists in Europe, describing the growing popularity of zealous and militant "godless" humanists, who are...


A drastic turn of events is set to occur

  1. 08th May 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

For years we in this work have been warning of a coming reunited and remilitarized Europe. Events have now brought us closer at last to the dream of so many Europeans – an end time revival of the mighty Holy Roman Empire – and, as one American businessman I know has said: "You can bet the Europeans are not uniting Europe for the benefit of the United States!"


The Sex Age

  1. 04th May 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Archaeologists and anthropologists have labeled the many different ages in their models of the history of man, such as the “Stone Age” or the “Bronze Age.” Given its prominence in our current society, it would not be a wonder if future anthropologists were to label our culture the “Sex Age.”


Natural Selection or Creation?

  1. 01st May 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Did life as we know it today evolve from nothing? Or was there a deliberate starting point from which all life as we know it today was created? The Bible says in Genesis 1:1 that the life we see in our world today had a definite beginning. In verse 11 we see that plant life was created. In verse 20 we see that fish, sea creatures, and birds were created. In...


How can we best protect ourselves?

  1. 27th April 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

After the horror of the recent mass murders at Virginia Tech, many suggestions have been put forth as to how such a tragedy could have been prevented or at least minimized.


Is There Any Hope?

  1. 16th April 2007
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

In cities around the globe, and across every populated continent, our world is mired in violence, pain, and suffering. It seems more than ever that crime, disease, and human travail are with us everywhere you look. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there any hope?” God’s word gives the answer!


It's tax time again!

  1. 13th April 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

The dreaded deadline for paying taxes – April 15th – comes around all too often for many in the United States. A great number of citizens hate to pay their share so badly that they often fudge on their tax returns, misrepresenting their true tax bill to Uncle Sam.

