Commentary | Page 23 | Tomorrow's World


Put Your House in Order

  1. 03rd December 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

To put one’s house in order can simply mean cleaning and organizing our home. It can also mean changing our behavior to get our life in order, sometimes with reference to making final arrangements before dying.


Four Ways to Be More Thankful

  1. 30th November 2022
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

One of the most beneficial attributes a person can exercise is thankfulness—and having a thankful attitude is contagious. Normally, when I give a sincere “thank you” to someone, they will respond with gratitude in turn. It’s also true that when a group of people displays a thankful attitude, those spending time around them become thankful as well. How can we...


"How Sweet It Is!"

  1. 26th November 2022
  2. Lenny Bower

On June 24, 1987, American icon Jackie Gleason passed away. He left a mark on a nation and on multiple generations, and coined the phrase “How sweet it is!” As a very young man, Mr. Gleason started out doing nightclub comedy shows and radio gigs. He eventually got his big break, starring on TV in 1949 and going on to feature in several well-known movies.


Can You Handle the Truth?

  1. 23rd November 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

“You can’t handle the truth!” is a famous line in the 1992 movie A Few Good Men. Naval lawyer Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise), questioning Base Commander Colonel Nathan Jessup (Jack Nicholson), says he wants the truth. Colonel Jessup yells in response, “You can’t handle the truth!” Can you handle the truth?


Lo the Barn...

  1. 19th November 2022
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Times change and one generation’s meaningful metaphors are lost on the next. In an urban age of dizzying technological advances, Internet access, and an endless array of devices, earthy agricultural references lose their impact. This is lamentable since life lessons are prominently symbolized by agrarian practices in the Bible. Many colorful expressions and...


Jesus Said, “Love Your Enemies”

  1. 16th November 2022
  2. Josh Lyons

The United States experiences deeper divisions with each passing day. With every tweet, headline, and lawsuit, people use the word “enemy” more frequently, despite being an especially harsh insult to call one’s fellow countrymen. When we see politicians and celebrities and activists label others “enemy,” we might call to mind certain teachings and lessons from...


Created In the Image of God…

  1. 12th November 2022
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The Star Wars series of blockbuster movies has thrilled audiences since what is now called Episode IV hit the box office in 1977. The theme of good versus evil, symbolized by the “Force” and the “Dark Side,” has captured the imaginations of young and old alike. The memorable characters, fast-paced action scenes, and cheeky dialogue pack theaters when each new...


Promises Made, Promises Kept

  1. 09th November 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

People often make promises that they fail to keep—and if you are like most people, you are tired of empty promises. There are few among us who haven’t experienced these from one person or another. During political campaigns, we are bombarded with attack ads from candidates, often highlighting promises on which their opponents failed to deliver. Other leaders and...


Guarding Your Tongue Against Evil

  1. 05th November 2022
  2. William Williams

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a common comeback when I was in grade school, but the truth is that words really can do great harm. Children generally aimed this singsong ditty at bullies, and while it is good to rise above petty insults and vindictive criticism, it’s also important to watch our own words. Actually, those...


Are You Thankful to God?

  1. 02nd November 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

People living in developed nations around the world have much for which to be thankful. Food, clothing, and shelter is available at a standard far above that of the majority of the earth’s population. But, these things are by no means to be taken for granted. How many people are truly thankful to have such blessings, and to whom?

