Commentary | Page 220 | Tomorrow's World


Apocalypse, or Business as Usual?

  1. 15th May 2008
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Disaster after disaster, misery heaped upon misery—drought, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, diseases—dominate the news these days. Does it seem as if these things are growing more intense, or is it just that they are “better reported” than ever? The age-old debate intensifies, as the “realists” disdain the “doomsayers” and the “doomsayers” point accusatory...


The shock and controversy surrounding the Vanity Fair bareback-in-a-sheet photo-shoot of popular fifteen-year-old television and singing star Miley Cyrus has been passionate and persistent. The voices criticizing Miss Cyrus' choice to be in such a photo have been loud and numerous.


Crises upon crises!

  1. 06th May 2008
  2. Don Davis

Not since World War II has the United States had to deal with a combination of so many potentially devastating problems. Unless there is some miraculous intervention from an "unseen hand," it seems the great American experiment – "government of the people, by the people and for the people" – may soon come crashing down in ignominy, adding its fallen glory to the...


Clinging to Life

  1. 01st May 2008
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Nursing homes are places that I have often visited as a minister. Such visits can be a vivid reality check regarding the dramatic effects of aging. These “assisted living” and “memory care” facilities are places for men and women who have reached the point of needing care that their families, for whatever reason, are unable to give.


How does your garden grow?

  1. 29th April 2008
  2. Don Davis

Each spring, for several years after our family moved to North Carolina, we tried to raise a vegetable garden in our backyard. But the seeds fed the birds, nursery plants fattened the local deer, and the fertilizer produced the most beautiful crop of weeds in the county!


Politics—Or Morality?

  1. 24th April 2008
  2. Glen Gilchrist (1954-2014)

Many today like to debate political topics. Talk show hosts battle in the arena of ideas. People push various political ideas as the solution to mankind's problems. The United States is in the midst of an acrimonious political campaign where candidates purport to offer answers to our social and economic problems.


At the precipice of economic collapse

  1. 22nd April 2008
  2. Don Davis

Can North Americans afford to fill their gas tanks at $4 or $5 per gallon? If not, what will they do for transportation when oil prices rise? With very few exceptions (such as Canada), the governments of most oil-producing nations now hate the United States!


The power to choose

  1. 17th April 2008
  2. Jeffrey Fall

We Americans pride ourselves in our freedom. Freedom of choice is a hallmark of our national identity and our heritage. We have the freedom to choose how we will live our lives. Sadly many individuals do not realize that freedom of choice carries the potential for great good in our lives as well as the potential for great harm.


A look back …

  1. 15th April 2008
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a line from "A Death in the Family" by James Agee that says: "How far we all come. How far we all come away from ourselves. You can never go home again."


"We are obviously watching the dollar very carefully," Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee on February 29, 2008. Yes, Bernanke's Fed is watching, as is the rest of the world, while the once-mighty American dollar sinks to the status of third-world currency! Since August 2007, the U.S. government has spent nearly $1 trillion...

