Commentary | Page 214 | Tomorrow's World


The "Spiritual Front"

  1. 15th November 2008
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The world held its breath last November 4 as the most powerful nation on earth elected its new president.  At the selection of Senator Barack Obama, there was much celebration, both in the U. S. and abroad.


The Way to Peace

  1. 13th November 2008
  2. Douglas S. Winnail

The search for peace is a major concern in the world today. People pray for peace. They light candles for peace. They march in the streets and stage demonstrations to promote peace and prevent war. Yet, strife, violence, and war continue. Is there a reason? Why have the concerted efforts of intelligent human beings for more than a century failed to find a...


The poor

  1. 11th November 2008
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The campaign rhetoric in the United States had much to say about the "poor." This word is rather vague and has various definitions, depending upon the perspective of the person using the term. Like the word "rich" it means different things to different people or groups. Poverty, like beauty, tends to be in the eye of the beholder.


Harvesting humans

  1. 08th November 2008
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Your Bible and the Catholic church do not often agree.  However, on the issues of human harvesting and human embryonic cloning, the rest of us should be just as appalled as are many Catholic leaders.


Change We Can Believe In

  1. 05th November 2008
  2. William Bowmer

A historic election season in the United States has come to a close, and the nation has selected a new leader who energized the hopes and dreams of millions with his vision for America, epitomized in his slogan: "Change We Can Believe In." President-elect Barack Obama will soon take office as the chief executive of a country that, despite its severe economic and...


A Handful With Quietness

  1. 01st November 2008
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Tired of politics? Sick of the political commercials attacking the other candidate or party? Had enough of the sarcasm, innuendo, half truths and spin?  Fed up with the endless analysis by the talking heads on the networks and cable channels?  You are not alone!  Most Americans have endured enough of this seemingly endless campaign for the nation's highest...


Real ballistic missile defense

  1. 30th October 2008
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Why is Russia conducting military exercises on a scale not seen since the Cold War?  While the US, the UK and much of Europe struggle through an increasingly painful financial meltdown, the mighty Russian military is conducting unprecedented nuclear missile tests, deep-water naval exercises, and long-range strategic bomber flights, of intensity not seen for more...


Is the space-race over?

  1. 28th October 2008
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

What does the future hold for the United States' space program?  Will our children and grandchildren explore planets and moons beyond our solar system?  The answer may surprise you.


It's a "scream," but is it good?

  1. 25th October 2008
  2. Dylan King

Does the thought of being chased by demons through a maze of death and destruction sound like a good time to you? Every year around this time, tens of thousands across America pay good money to experience an illusory world of magic, demonic spirits, and the occult, and this experience takes place in many of our most beloved "family" theme parks. Are these scare-...


Feast or Famine?

  1. 11th October 2008
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

The world's grain supply is shrinking.  There used to be a three-month reserve but this has dropped to a critical eight week supply.  The price of rice, which is the staple grain for most Asians and many Africans, has been climbing higher, leaving millions of people facing the specter of famine.

