Commentary | Page 208 | Tomorrow's World


Babel's last hurrah!

  1. 04th April 2009
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

The G20 Summit held in London recently was an opportunity for the new players on the world scene to change the global financial landscape. Countries that do not subscribe to the United States' and Great Britain's free-wheeling economic model want to increase banking regulations and replace the dollar as the world's reserve currency.


The key to profit

  1. 02nd April 2009
  2. Adam J. West

My Dad worked in the coal mines of Novinger for seven years. Seven years is considered 14 years as the coal mine calculated it. Coal mining is notoriously arduous work, but Dad didn't mind. That's what kept food on his family's table. My Dad's inability to read or write did not keep him from finding honorable work after the coal-mining years. Whether he was...


China's central bank is suggesting that the US dollar be replaced as the international reserve currency. Is this a viable possibility? What would this mean for the U.S.A.? What currency would be considered for a new world economic order? Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People's Bank of China states in an essay posted earlier this week that "The outbreak of the [...


By Prayer and Fasting...

  1. 27th March 2009
  2. Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Scripture tells us what our Savior did to acquire spiritual strength, in connection with the devil's attack on Him: "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted [or tried] by the devil. And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry" (Matthew 4:1–2). Notice—He fasted!


False alarm...or coming Great Depression?

  1. 26th March 2009
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

On October 7, 2008, we warned "American capitalism has failed. What next?"  But in his March 24, 2009 news conference, President Obama stated, "We will recover from this recession."  Which is true? Before we answer these questions, let us quickly recap what is indisputable.


A NOT so special relationship

  1. 24th March 2009
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

Not since the days of the Suez Crisis of 1956 have the ties that bind the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain been so strained.  Why? The reason is simple.  There is a new man in the White House.


Godless and confused?

  1. 21st March 2009
  2. Adam J. West

Fundamental changes are on the horizon for Europe! Top European Union leaders have questions about the future of the continent—and they realize that difficult times are ahead.


No Religion?

  1. 19th March 2009
  2. Adam J. West

On December 14, 2008, I traveled to the town of Terezin, in the Czech Republic, with a German friend of mine. There is a former Nazi-controlled Jewish-ghetto-turned-concentration camp located there. Endless brick walls constitute the fortress—a sea of orange, yellow, and red bricks against a canvas of green grass, stretching long between the structures. Most of...


How loyal are you in marriage?

  1. 17th March 2009
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

You may know the famous story of Lewis & Clark's expedition across the American continent to the Pacific Ocean and back. However, many have not heard the story of a lesser known member of the party, a brave black Newfoundland dog named Seaman. He was just a dog, but his story is a lesson of faithfulness and loyalty. His story is a lesson that even husbands...


The economy and the unknown

  1. 14th March 2009
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The world is beginning to wise up and to realize that the future is not as predictable as some had portrayed it to be – particularly in the area of finances and national economies. When will things turn around?  When will investors regain confidence?  When will the firings, layoffs, and downsizing stop?  Or more personally, when will my family begin to feel like...

