Commentary | Page 206 | Tomorrow's World


See that you be not troubled...

  1. 19th May 2009
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Mental Health experts around the world report, with growing concern, that stress—physical and mental—continues to erode away the edges of society, resulting in increased suicides, family abandonment, elder abuse and run-away children. Heading the list of symptoms for this growing world health crisis is depression, defined as one's inability to cope with the...


When violence fills the earth

  1. 16th May 2009
  2. Adam J. West

The societal scourge of spousal, child and elder abuse has grown at an alarming rate over the past couple decades. Violence among family members fills our news headlines as the lives of men, women, and children are being ravaged by an often secret epidemic…domestic violence. How severe is domestic violence in our modern "civilized" world? Is there a way of...


Do You Want God's Protection?

  1. 14th May 2009
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

A friend of mine fought in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II. As an 18-year-old American soldier, he joined his comrades in facing incoming artillery shells exploding all around them. My friend told me, "There were no atheists there that day. The men were trying to remember all their childhood prayers in that frightening attack."


"The singers"

  1. 12th May 2009
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Some folks go through life singing, no matter what their circumstances. Such was a friend of mine, a little lady named Elsie, who died May 8, 2009 at the age of 95. One of the last things she did was to sing a hymn with her friends at her nursing home. Hers was not an easy life. Reared in poverty in Dallas, Texas, she and her older sister, Jessie, who died a few...


We'll Meet Again

  1. 09th May 2009
  2. Adam J. West

In 1993, I enlisted in the military. My decision was due in large part to the fact that my best friend Lawrence was already serving and stationed in Oklahoma. He traveled to our hometown often. Together we ran, lifted weights, and did push-ups, all in preparation for my departure for training in mid-August. I could never have predicted the events that followed.


With so many natural disasters, financial woes, diseases, wars, rising job loss numbers, and daily fears and anxieties plaguing our lives in this modern world, is prayer an irrelevant activity Or is there value to us as a nation—and as individuals—in reaching out to God through effective heartfelt prayer?


No shame

  1. 07th May 2009
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

What plays out in our daily news today would have been very shocking only a few years ago. We hear and see things in the news that violate all civil rules for good taste and decorum. Social mores and acceptable behavior have changed dramatically in less than a generation.


Giving Up Mount Everest

  1. 05th May 2009
  2. Rod McNair

On May 26, 2006—high on the north slope of Mount Everest—climbing guide Daniel Mazur, of Olympia, Washington, was faced with a life-or-death decision. He was climbing toward the summit of Everest when he and his party encountered a most unusual sight. "Mazur, his two clients and a Sherpa guide were just two hours from the 29,035-foot peak… when they came across...


To tend and to keep

  1. 02nd May 2009
  2. Adam J. West

Scientists believe the world's largest garbage dump isn't on land – it is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch – a sprawling mass of waste estimated to be 90% plastic reaching a depth of 90 feet. It is a floating raft of debris that is now sprawling from the coast of California to the coast of Japan, and estimated to be twice the size of Texas!


The Queen of May

  1. 30th April 2009
  2. Adam J. West

The holiday of May Day is primarily celebrated in the northern hemisphere and occurs annually on May 1st. Modern day reasons for celebration of this day vary widely, as do the methods, but its origins are well known. Where did this celebrated day come from? Just who was the Queen of May? Should you take part in May Day traditions? May Day was observed in many...

