Commentary | Page 177 | Tomorrow's World


Memorial Day

  1. 28th May 2011
  2. Richard Franz

Memorial Day, declared officially by the United States Congress in 1971 as a national holiday, is observed in the U.S. on the last Monday of May. It is a day on which Americans commemorate the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. The observance of this day began soon after the end of the American Civil War and was initially known as ...


Use Knowledge Rightly

  1. 26th May 2011
  2. Adam J. West

Some want to know it all when it comes to the Bible. Having a right and balanced desire to learn and grow in scriptural knowledge is good. It can help us grow in our relationship with our Creator. But this same desire becomes lopsided when the emphasis is on trying to understand subjects where God has purposefully withheld key details, or where the Bible is...


How Would Jesus Drive?

  1. 24th May 2011
  2. Dylan King

Have you been cut off in traffic lately? Have you ever been stopped at a red light, only to have the driver across from you turn in front of you the moment the light turns green, violating your right-of-way? Do you frequently find cars dangerously riding your rear bumper? Or perhaps you’re reading this thinking, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the tailgating,...


Scripture and Homosexual Clergy?

  1. 19th May 2011
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Following the Episcopalians, Evangelical Lutherans, and the United Church of Christ, the 2.3 million member Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) recently voted “to allow the ordination of openly gay and lesbian ministers.”  Instead of voting about it, sincere Christians should look at what God’s word says on the matter.


What the Critic Says

  1. 17th May 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

We’ve all received criticism—at home, in the neighborhood, or in a workplace—for something we did or didn’t say or do. Perhaps we at some point have been the critic. How should we handle criticism?


A quiet moment

  1. 14th May 2011
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

When I was in college, many years ago, sowing a bumper crop of “wild oats,” my time was crammed with activities.  You have probably experienced something like it—classes to attend, research and studies to complete, extra-curricular activities and social obligations, with a healthy dose of goofing off mixed in, each day starting early and going late, seldom...


God’s stamp of approval

  1. 12th May 2011
  2. David Moore (guest columnist)

One of the most fascinating proofs that the Bible is the inspired word of God is found in how God inspired His servants to number and order the books of Scripture.


Gossip Evolved?

  1. 10th May 2011
  2. Roger Meyer

"Did you hear about so-and-so?" Ears perk up, heads turn and attention is grabbed when we hear those words. We know we are about to hear something private and scandalous about someone we know. Psychologists say gossip has evolutionary origins with our prehistoric ancestors and enabled cavemen, and even their supposed primate ancestors, to survive. What are the...


An "Exploited Peasant With an Attitude"?

  1. 07th May 2011
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Was Jesus Christ just a compassionate prophet, or was He truly God in the flesh? The Apostle Paul warned that many would come and preach “another Jesus whom we have not preached” (2 Corinthians 11:4) and theories about Jesus certainly abound. Some professing Christian scholars even claim that Jesus was nothing more than “an exploited peasant with an attitude” (“...


“Welcome to Hell, bin Laden”

  1. 03rd May 2011
  2. Wallace G. Smith

As I read the news coverage of Osama bin Laden’s death, one forceful comment jumped out at me: “Welcome to Hell, bin Laden,” wrote Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and 2008 presidential candidate.  Is Huckabee right?  Is Osama bin Laden now in Hell?

