Commentary | Page 163 | Tomorrow's World


What Time Is It?

  1. 24th April 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Time! Who can explain it? “Use it or lose it,” the experts say. All of us have the same amount of it, and it is never enough. There are many sayings about time, such as “Time marches on,” “Time waits for no man,” “Time is money” and “Time is fleeting.” Especially in today’s stressful, fast paced, high-pressure world, time is at a premium. People are constantly...


More Corn! Fewer Bees

  1. 21st April 2012
  2. William Williams

Corn farmers in recent years have seen a growing demand for their crop, for processing into products as varied as ethanol gasoline and soda products. Seeking higher yields, many increasingly use insecticides—poisons—to "protect" their investments. These two trends have long been a source of controversy among nutritionists and ecologists, and now among biologists...


Beautiful Treasure

  1. 19th April 2012
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Many years ago, while exploring in the dark recesses of our attic, I saw a treasure. Someone had left a violin among the piles of old saved things. I knew this was a rare find, and that someday when I was older I would recover it and make beautiful music. Years went by before I retrieved the old violin, but after some string work I was ready to make music beyond...


A Sweet Smell

  1. 17th April 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The cool, bright spring morning was nearly perfect for an invigorating walk. As I approached a wooded green belt, the delightful sweet smell of honeysuckle in bloom wafted over me. It added greatly to the enjoyment of the morning. How sad that so many people go rushing through life and do not have time to enjoy the sweet smell of the flowers in springtime.


Why do we pay taxes?

  1. 14th April 2012
  2. Roger Meyer

Most of us get a little anxious and complain about tax time each year. How much will our taxes be? How much must we “render unto Caesar”? Why do we have to pay taxes?


Gumption, Grit and Gratitude

  1. 12th April 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Sometimes, colloquial expressions—those well-worn, time-honored phrases that have come into common use—are passed from generation to generation as a part of the culture. Hokey? Yes, they can be, but these pithy expressions can convey some wisdom if one actually listens and gives them some thought.


The Signs of the Times

  1. 10th April 2012
  2. Michael Heykoop

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning. For millennia, people have recognized that it would be beneficial to be able to read the signs of the times to predict future events. Sometimes the signs can be wide open for all to see, but only those who are able to put them into the right context can understand what they mean for...


Because He Is Risen, I Do Not Keep Easter

  1. 07th April 2012
  2. Wallace G. Smith

I believe in the risen Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior of mankind. I believe that after His crucifixion on Passover, He was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth—as He said He would be. I believe He was then resurrected by His Father, restored to the glory He had with His Father before the world was.


Seventy-Two Hours

  1. 05th April 2012
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

For most people, 72 hours is a nice three-day weekend, or maybe a short getaway or vacation. It is enjoyable, but often quickly forgotten. After all, it is only three days and nights. What could be the importance of such a short time in the larger scheme of things? If one has the eyes to see, the significance of 72 hours becomes very clear.


A Friend in Need?

  1. 31st March 2012
  2. Jonathan McNair

Who is a friend in need? There are few things as satisfying in life as a good friendship. Children crave friendships intensely, and we continue to cherish our friendships through life’s waning years. The “texting” shorthand “BFF”—“Best Friend Forever”—speaks to a heartfelt desire that is almost universally felt. Who would not want a friend with whom we can share...

