Commentary | Page 139 | Tomorrow's World


What's so funny?

  1. 10th August 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A hearty laugh is good for us.  Something truly funny, that tickles our "funny bone" and causes us to laugh out loud, has a calming, stress-relieving effect on us as human beings.  Scientific studies have shown the benefit of hilarity and good humor on our health and well-being.  And yet, much of what passes for humor today has a bite to it or the laugh is at...


Who lied to you?

  1. 08th August 2013
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

When I was in grammar school, I shared a class with a young man who became known as "Stevie the Liar." If anyone told of an event that they had actually experienced, Stevie developed a more extravagant fabrication that overshadowed that occurrence. Stevie constantly shared "points of fact" that upon closer scrutiny proved to be more of his vivid imagination. In...


Beautiful Treasure

  1. 06th August 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

Many years ago, while exploring in the dark recesses of our attic, I saw a treasure. Someone had left a violin among the piles of old saved things. I knew this was a rare find, and that someday when I was older I would recover it and make beautiful music. Years went by before I retrieved the old violin, but after some string work I was ready to make music beyond...


A Sweet Smell

  1. 03rd August 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The cool, bright spring morning was nearly perfect for an invigorating walk. As I approached a wooded green belt, the delightful sweet smell of honeysuckle in bloom wafted over me. It added greatly to the enjoyment of the morning. How sad that so many people go rushing through life and do not have time to enjoy the sweet smell of the flowers in springtime.


The Old Man

  1. 01st August 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

When people are young, they often want to be older. When they are old, they often want to be younger—or at least to look and feel younger. Common to nearly everyone is the desire to be rejuvenated and renewed.


The Solution to Man's Problems

  1. 30th July 2013
  2. Martin Fannin

Man is facing a multitude of problems for which he has no solution! Who is responsible for these problems? In the ultimate sense, Satan is responsible for the problems through his deception.


The Prize

  1. 27th July 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Just imagine winning a prize of hundreds of millions of dollars with the only investment being a tiny piece of paper no larger than a book of stamps. This prospect of winning great wealth for just a few bucks, as pathetically remote as it is, often results in a frenzy of activity when the lottery shoots up—a frenzy that fuels itself. Especially huge numbers,...


See that you be not troubled...

  1. 25th July 2013
  2. Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

Mental Health experts around the world report, with growing concern, that stress—physical and mental—continues to erode away the edges of society, resulting in increased suicides, family abandonment, elder abuse and run-away children. Heading the list of symptoms for this growing world health crisis is depression, defined as one's inability to cope with the...


Tell Me a story

  1. 23rd July 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

Children love stories. We all love stories. Good stories engage our minds and hearts as they subtly teach us morals of courage, honesty or many other qualities. Stories powerfully demonstrate the results of good or bad choices and of right or wrong ways of life. Stories are powerful teaching tools.


Muddy Waters

  1. 19th July 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever had a song lyric stuck in your head? It could be a tune that you have not heard for years, coming to mind when you least expect it. That happened to me once. It was an old country song of hardship and pain in which the chorus wailed, “I washed my hands in muddy water. I washed my hands but they didn’t come clean. I tried to do like Daddy told me,...

