Commentary | Page 139 | Tomorrow's World


How Can I Help?

  1. 12th November 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

Some people are helpers by nature. It is part of their personality to be caring, helpful, and insightful regarding the needs of other people. Being a helper is an important aspect of God’s nature, and one to which we should all aspire. How can we help, and why is it important?


The Sleeper

  1. 09th November 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

In the well-known story of Jonah, God instructed the reluctant prophet to deliver a warning to the city of Nineveh, an Assyrian stronghold. Assyria was traditionally a bitter enemy of Israel. Jonah unwisely attempted to shirk his duty and run away from his responsibility. To get away, he booked passage on a ship in Joppa (modern-day Jaffa) going to Tarshish,...


Double Bubble Trouble!

  1. 07th November 2013
  2. Dexter B. Wakefield

Double, double, toil and trouble; Stocks and bonds form massive bubble! Well, that is not exactly how Shakespeare wrote it in Macbeth, but some economic soothsayers are putting out a very similar message to their clients—and are doing so in no uncertain terms.


Dream Pursuits

  1. 05th November 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

There was a time when my brother and I searched for hidden treasure on the farm, and we certainly left holes everywhere we went. As kids, we spent hours in the hot sun digging. It was not hard work because we shared a common—if childish—dream, and it was real to us at the time. Too many of us have lost the excitement of having a dream.


Sticks and stones

  1. 02nd November 2013
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As a news hound, that is, one who follows what is happening on the world scene, I am often struck by the lack of civility in political discourse, news reporting and in daily interaction between people in all walks of life. There is a strident tone, a hard edge in many—if not most—exchanges that involve differences of opinion. Whether it is on the floor of...


It's a "scream," but is it good?

  1. 31st October 2013
  2. Dylan King

Does the thought of being chased by demons through a maze of death and destruction sound like a good time to you? Every year around this time, tens of thousands across America pay good money to experience an illusory world of magic, demonic spirits, and the occult, and this experience takes place in many of our most beloved "family" theme parks. Are these scare-...



  1. 29th October 2013
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

When I was a youngster, we lived close to a blacksmith’s shop. The smith was a man trained to take a piece of metal, heat it, beat it, and cool it—thereby producing needed and useful articles. His tools were simple, his strength was great, and his eye was keen. The blacksmith’s implements were few: a hammer, anvil, and forge. His forge was used to produce heat;...


Armageddon Postponed? Fifty Years After the Cuban Missile Crisis

  1. 29th October 2013
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Sunday, October 28 marked the 50th anniversary of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev’s momentous announcement that his nation would withdraw nuclear-armed medium-range ballistic missiles from Cuba, just 90 miles from the United States. After weeks of tension and fear, the world breathed a collective sigh of relief, as nuclear cosmocide was averted. Or was it...


Samhain: The Original Halloween

  1. 26th October 2013
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

A friend of mine told me once that he did not feel comfortable celebrating Halloween, even though he enjoyed attending a “harvest festival” his church held each year on the evening of October 31. So, what is Halloween to Christians, if anything? What is the origin of the holiday? Is it merely a harvest festival? Should Christians celebrate this holiday, either...


I Don't Like Thistles

  1. 24th October 2013
  2. Roger Meyer

The thistle enjoys an exalted position in Scottish heraldry, and is loved by the little passive donkey Eeyore, a character in Winnie the Pooh written by A. A. Milne. Personally, I do not like thistles, but there is a reason for their existence.

