The Truth About Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
- 04th September 2014
- Wyatt Ciesielka
What of the false doctrines of heaven, hell, and purgatory? And what of the scriptures that supposedly support these fabrications of human reasoning?
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What of the false doctrines of heaven, hell, and purgatory? And what of the scriptures that supposedly support these fabrications of human reasoning?
In the pages of the Holy Bible, we find an astounding fact about the world in which we live! Revelation 12:9 states, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Do you believe that there is a very real Satan the Devil who has...
Many years ago, I experienced for myself a phenomenon that is an all-too-common problem in workplace relations between labor and management. I owned a small company, and decided that I would like to start profit-sharing with my employees as much as would be feasible. So, I rounded up an executive table and some chairs and convened an employee meeting.
How many Americans can name the famous event in their history that occurred on August 24, 1814—or 200 years ago, as of last Sunday. Can you name this major milestone, which involved the United States and another dominant world power?
As I looked around the lovely setting that was the new Senior Citizen's Center, I saw a lot of folks enjoying themselves. Some of them were playing cards; others were playing chess or board games.
In the dance studio, some brightly dressed ladies were practicing a dance routine. People were coming and going, in good spirits, enjoying fun and fellowship. These...
I was reading the comics today (not as much fun as it was when I was a kid, to be sure, but still a pleasant diversion in the morning) and one of the comic strips caught my eye.
On October 10, 2009, Guy Laliberté, the founder of "Le cirque du soleil," produced from space a show titled: "From the earth to space for water." The spectacle was to promote the awareness of water as a precious and disappearing commodity. More and more people are finding themselves in a desperate race to find water.
Depression plagues many people. I’m not talking about having a bad day or feeling blue, which everyone experiences now and then. The depression I’m referring to is the kind of feeling that incapacitates a person with overwhelming feelings of dark and foreboding thoughts that cannot simply be shaken off. It is the kind of depression that drives people to do...
One of the most serious crimes of global proportions is human trafficking, which in the 21st century is second only to drug trafficking in terms of magnitude. The term “human trafficking” in a broad sense is often defined as the illegal trade of humans for the purpose of sexual and labor exploitation.
Before there was Martha Stewart, there was Martha Washington. January 6, 2009 marked the 250th anniversary of her marriage to our first President, George Washington. An article by Sheri and Bob Stritof describes their courtship, "George and Martha were introduced by friends of Martha when George was on leave from the French and Indian War. George only visited...