Commentary | Page 113 | Tomorrow's World


National Amnesia

  1. 28th July 2015
  2. Rand Millich

Once the nation of the United States of America was established, what role did religion play in the years following? Was there a wall of separation between religion and the state? Many believe that the Founding Fathers delivered the nation from the influence of religion and the Bible. Let us examine the facts.


What Time Is It?

  1. 25th July 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Time! Who can explain it? “Use it or lose it,” the experts say. All of us have the same amount of it, and it is never enough. There are many sayings about time, such as “Time marches on,” “Time waits for no man,” “Time is money” and “Time is fleeting.” Especially in today’s stressful, fast paced, high-pressure world, time is at a premium. People are constantly...


God's Perfect Timing

  1. 23rd July 2015
  2. Dan Dever (guest columnist)

As I listened to the phone ring, I was afraid to answer it. I was afraid to hear the words that I knew would change our life. I answered it and on the other end was my wife. She said, "We have to go right now to the children's hospital because the pediatrician has diagnosed our daughter with diabetes. She will have to take shots for the rest of her life and we...


A Mideast Nuclear Arms Race?

  1. 21st July 2015
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

Diplomats were smiling in Vienna last week when the United States and six other nations struck a nuclear weapons control deal with the Iranian government. Yet, while many in the West consider the deal a historic breakthrough, other nations such as Israel and Saudi Arabia now fear that Iran may use this deal as cover to create a nuclear weapon.


Wells Without Water

  1. 18th July 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Some news reports grab your attention and will not let go—particularly when they involve some desperate situation that affects masses of people. We see many such epochal forces going on now with massive flooding across the South in the United States, resulting in widespread property damage and loss of life. Yet a few hundred miles away from some of the affected...


He Makes the Lightning for the Rain

  1. 16th July 2015
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

When I was about four years old, my dad and I were standing under our garage, mesmerized by a powerful thunderstorm in the neighborhood. During the storm, lightning struck a tree in our yard, and danced across our chain-linked fence! This was so frightening to me that I immediately leaped into my dad’s arms for protection! You too may recall a memorable moment...


Are You Minding Your Steps?

  1. 14th July 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

To “mind your step” is an old English idiom that means to be careful when walking, and also to be careful about what we say, what we do and how we act, so as to avoid getting into trouble. Are you minding your steps?


Rejecting Perverse Ways

  1. 09th July 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

Standards of behavior are rapidly declining. News headlines continue to shock and dismay anyone with a traditional sense of decency and morality. Perverse behaviors are now being lauded as normal that for generations were correctly understood as depraved.


Where are the Leaders?

  1. 07th July 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

It is interesting to see the various personalities emerge under intense questioning and pressure from their peers. Sadly, we seem to have a dearth of strong leaders, men and women with a long track record of accomplishment and good ideas for dealing with the problems of our nation and the world; leaders with a consistent set of values and moral credibility....

