Commentary | Page 105 | Tomorrow's World


God’s stamp of approval

  1. 15th October 2015
  2. David Moore (guest columnist)

One of the most fascinating proofs that the Bible is the inspired word of God is found in how God inspired His servants to number and order the books of Scripture.


Letting Go of Hate

  1. 13th October 2015
  2. Mickey Mayeaux (1954-2018)

My wife and I were patiently standing shoulder to shoulder on the crowded upper level of the Eiffel Tower, waiting to take a picture of the exhilarating view as the sun slowly dipped into the horizon. I suddenly felt a slight tug at my pocket, and in a flash, my wallet was gone—I had been pickpocketed! What a heart-shattering end to what was going to be one of...


No Religion?

  1. 10th October 2015
  2. Adam J. West

On December 14, 2008, I traveled to the town of Terezin, in the Czech Republic, with a German friend of mine. There is a former Nazi-controlled Jewish-ghetto-turned-concentration camp located there. Endless brick walls constitute the fortress—a sea of orange, yellow, and red bricks against a canvas of green grass, stretching long between the structures. Most of...


Are you too busy for God?

  1. 06th October 2015
  2. Rod McNair

One of the prime dangers for Christians today is getting so busy that they lose their spiritual focus. Especially as the pace of society hastens, this is a real danger to spiritual growth!


What the Critic Says

  1. 03rd October 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

We’ve all received criticism—at home, in the neighborhood, or in a workplace—for something we did or didn’t say or do. Perhaps we at some point have been the critic. How should we handle criticism?


The Answer

  1. 01st October 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

On March 3, 1991 on a California freeway, the driver of a speeding vehicle was arrested after a car chase. As the arrest unfolded, the officers involved used excessive force in subduing the driver, a recent parolee, who happened to be intoxicated. The videotape of the incident quickly hit the news cycle and was shown worldwide. The incident became racially...


The Cities of Tomorrow

  1. 29th September 2015
  2. Ryan Dawson

From the Jetsons’ flying cars, to Marty McFly’s self-tying shoes, we all have desired to see a glimpse of what the future will be like. Yet, where are the flying cars? Where are my self-tying shoes? Will men soon set foot on Mars? Perhaps most importantly, what are the communities of tomorrow really going to look like?


The Cup

  1. 26th September 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a persistent legend that holds a fascination for many people, especially those of a religious bent. Since the Middle Ages, some have sought a mysterious object, often resulting in armed conflicts with loss of life and property. This “quest” has been the subject of theatrical plays, adventure novels, and even comedy routines.


A Splash of Color

  1. 24th September 2015
  2. William Williams

Growing up in the Shenandoah region of the United States, autumn was always a special time for me. Much like the hues of a beautiful sunset, the colors of autumn in western Virginia reliably left their mark on my memory each year. And, just as reliably, each year the “Leaf Peepers” came out by the hundreds to see the hills and mountains “catch fire” when the...


Should A Muslim Be President of the United States?

  1. 22nd September 2015
  2. William Bowmer

Responding to a question on NBC’s Meet the Press, presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson raised controversy with his statement, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation. I absolutely would not agree with that.” Is Carson’s perspective correct? What is the Christian perspective on this matter?

