Commentary | Page 104 | Tomorrow's World


Judge not?

  1. 07th November 2015
  2. Adam J. West

Through the effective and powerful means of the media, the homosexual agenda—which first took root decades ago—has in the last decade propelled itself forward with juggernaut intensity! Homosexual activists are not emphasizing subtle tactics and persuasive rhetoric; in recent years they have been pushing to make their beliefs mainstream societal thinking.


Older but Wiser?

  1. 05th November 2015
  2. Richard Franz

Are we guaranteed to be wiser and more mature in ten or fifteen years than we are today? Looking back, can we see the evidence of greater wisdom and understanding in our own lives today compared to a decade ago? If you have never put much thought into this subject, the answer might be “no”—but that could change.


What Holds the Universe Together?

  1. 03rd November 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

Only recently have astrophysicists been able to offer a substantial hypothesis as to what it is that holds the universe together and keeps it from flying apart. Yet you do not have to be a physicist to know the simple answer!


Count Your Blessings

  1. 31st October 2015
  2. William Williams

"Give Thanks" sign in setting with corn cobs and glowing candle Some of my most pleasant memories come from spending Thanksgiving with my family. But the holiday also makes me think about times when I have not been particularly thankful. God has blessed me with many wonderful experiences and opportunities, even when I least expected (or acknowledged) them.


Jeremiah and prosperity preaching

  1. 29th October 2015
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

"Prosperity preachers" proclaim that God wants you to have material wealth and happiness—right now. While positive thinking has its merits, does God promise prosperity, health, and happiness for you in this life? In the years ahead, this question, and the strength of your relationship with God and Jesus Christ, will become more profound than you may realize.


Sticks and stones

  1. 24th October 2015
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As a news hound, that is, one who follows what is happening on the world scene, I am often struck by the lack of civility in political discourse, news reporting and in daily interaction between people in all walks of life. There is a strident tone, a hard edge in many—if not most—exchanges that involve differences of opinion. Whether it is on the floor of...


Can you escape Armageddon?

  1. 22nd October 2015
  2. Michael Heykoop

When you hear the term "Armageddon," what images come to mind?  Perhaps you picture an asteroid crashing into the earth, a nuclear war ravaging the world or an epidemic snuffing out all life from the planet.  The term has become synonymous with the phrase "the end of the world," and many believe that it marks the end of all life on earth!


The key to profit

  1. 22nd October 2015
  2. Adam J. West

My Dad worked in the coal mines of Novinger for seven years. Seven years is considered 14 years as the coal mine calculated it. Coal mining is notoriously arduous work, but Dad didn't mind. That's what kept food on his family's table. My Dad's inability to read or write did not keep him from finding honorable work after the coal-mining years. Whether he was...


Falling Skies and Flimsy Predictions

  1. 20th October 2015
  2. William Williams

You may not have heard, but back in June a hoax went around, warning against earth’s supposed impending doom—which (they said) should have destroyed us all by September! Rumors about a stellar cataclysm were “shared” around social media (and oddly enough, gathered some “likes” along the way). Surely, if it appeared on Facebook, Huffington Post or Before It’s...


Alien Invasion!

  1. 17th October 2015
  2. Roger Meyer

Extraterrestrial invaders coming to Earth is a common theme of movies, television programs, science fiction books and video games. However, a real “alien invasion” has been taking place. Europe, the United Kingdom and the United States of America are seeing a virtual explosion in immigrant population as millions of human aliens swarm into Western nations. Why?...

