Commentary | Page 11 | Tomorrow's World


"The Bridge"

  1. 12th August 2023
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

In the course of human affairs, we run across relationships that pique our interest and baffle our minds. Such was the often-touchy relationship between two particular brothers, and the lasting impression of one incident involving them has stayed with me from my youth.


The Arrival of American Irrelevance

  1. 09th August 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Since the end of World War II, the United States has been the predominant world superpower, with seemingly unlimited economic and military might. But with prosperity and dominance came a letdown of personal moral standards.


The Fantasy of Winning the Lottery

  1. 05th August 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

I suppose most people have entertained the fantasy of winning the lottery. How about you? What would you do with all of that sudden wealth? Even children daydream about finding buried treasure, perhaps inspired by a book or a movie such as Treasure Island, or another of the many with that theme.


“Cancel culture” picks up more steam by the day. Some important books that have experienced censorship recently are Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment and Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. Often, censored opinions and viewpoints agree in some way with biblical...


Rod and Staff: Tools of the Shepherd

  1. 29th July 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

a flock of sheep in the sunrise Shepherds of old carried a rod and a staff, two important tools of their trade. For the shepherd, a rod was a stick or club that could be used offensively or defensively against a threat to himself or his flock. It was also used for discipline and counting, especially to determine the tithe of the increase of a flock (Leviticus 27:32). The shepherd’s staff was a...


Remember the Plow

  1. 26th July 2023
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The importance of growing food and fiber for a burgeoning population is often lost on city- and suburb-dwellers. Yet, as troubled times bring rising food costs and commodity shortages, people may focus more attention on the details of production, processing, and distribution of basic agricultural necessities, including vegetable produce, poultry, meat, and dairy...


A Spirit of Slumber

  1. 22nd July 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

What is the “spirit of slumber”? Do you have it? Is it good or bad? If it is bad, how do you get rid of it? The phrase “spirit of slumber” is found in Romans 11:8 (King James Version). The Apostle Paul wrote of his sorrow and grief because the great majority of his people, the Israelites, had stumbled at the stumbling stone—Jesus Christ, whom they did not accept...


A Little Sonder

  1. 19th July 2023
  2. Thomas White

There’s debate over whether or not it can be called a “real” word, but if you type “sonder” into Wiktionary, you’ll get this definition: “The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, has a life as complex as one’s own, which they are constantly living despite one’s personal lack of awareness of it.”


A Little Fire

  1. 15th July 2023
  2. Roger Meyer

The tiniest spark of fire can grow quickly into a raging inferno, consuming thousands of acres of forest or whole blocks of buildings. Likewise, a few ill-spoken words can escalate into a quarrel or all-out brawl, damaging a person, a family, or a business.


A Nation Clothed in Pride

  1. 12th July 2023
  2. Josh Lyons

Now that June has ended, the so-called “Pride Month,” which celebrates LGBTQI+ behaviors and lifestyles, has concluded in the United States. During “Pride Month,” many facets of our country celebrate pride, as seen in professional sports, government, and military branches, a variety of “pride flags” flown, clothing worn, and more. This year, the White House even...

