Commentary | Page 92 | Tomorrow's World


The End!

  1. 03rd January 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

“And they lived happily ever after. The end" is the way many children’s stories conclude. Other books, some movies, plays and narrated stories announce the end with just those words—“The end.” All physical things have a beginning and an end. You and I had a beginning. We were conceived and born. The rest of creation that we see—all of the plants and trees and...


Worthless Things

  1. 31st December 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Does it frustrate you that so many things are made with “planned obsolescence” built in? You know, the product falls apart or quits working soon after the warranty expires? As you walk the aisles of your favorite store, are you appalled at the flood of cheaply made merchandise that becomes worthless soon after being put to use? Then, there are activities that...


The Purpose of Prophecy

  1. 29th December 2016
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

In modern, Western society, heavy-laden with materialism and secularism, the sense of deep trust in the accuracy of the Bible and its prophecies has become dull. Have deep, personal beliefs in God and willingness to trust the Bible become obscure and old-fashioned? Where will a downward tumble of morals and the rise of liberal skepticism and agnosticism lead us?


Lessons from Rogue One

  1. 27th December 2016
  2. Mark Sandor

Like most boys born in the last few decades, my sons love Star Wars. Each new movie is greeted with enthusiasm, and Rogue One is no exception. As a fan of the movies myself, I usually look forward to sharing this cultural experience with them. Nevertheless, Rogue One gave me some pause as the reviews described it being a darker story and more focused on war than...


Truth, Lies & Santa Claus

  1. 22nd December 2016
  2. Alex Celan

On September 21, 1897, the New York Sun published an editorial which began with: “Dear Editor—I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, ‘If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.’ Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus?” The letter was from a little girl named Virginia O’Hanlon. What was the response?


Wanted: Dead or Alive

  1. 20th December 2016
  2. Brian Pomicter

Anyone who has watched cowboy movies set in the old American West is familiar with the “Wanted—Dead or Alive” poster, showing the outlaw’s picture and a healthy bounty for his capture—or for his killing. The awful crime could have been anything from robbery to murder. The poster conveyed the notion that the criminal was such a confirmed threat to decency and...


Almost Persuaded

  1. 17th December 2016
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Many wonderful quotations are attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, the great British Prime Minister who had such a profound effect on the 20th century. His irrepressible sense of humor, his tenacity in the face of great danger, his oratory and his writing ability set him apart as an influential historical figure. One quote he is noted for is, “Most people...


What's Wrong With "Following Your Heart"?

  1. 15th December 2016
  2. Roger Meyer

In movies and songs, and as advice from actors, singers, and celebrities, we often hear the messages: “Follow your heart” and “Trust your feelings.” Some extol the supposed virtues of listening to their “sixth sense” or their “psychic intuition.” Does the fact that we feel something make it so? Is it generally a good idea to trust our feelings? Or, could doing...


History, Science and Faith

  1. 13th December 2016
  2. Richard A. Wilson (guest columnist)

To prove that the Bible is the authoritative word of God, one must rely on a combination of secular history, scientific fact and one’s own faith that the Bible is the true word of a higher power—plus the belief that God’s power, the Holy Spirit, is working with those God has called to understand His plan for mankind!


A Cup of Trembling

  1. 10th December 2016
  2. Jeffrey Fall

Day after day we hear of more bloodshed in the Middle East. Palestinian suicide bombers and Israeli military actions are a part of life and death in Israel. Violence begets violence! Is there any possible end in sight?

