Commentary | Page 86 | Tomorrow's World


Cyber Crime: Is Nothing Secure?

  1. 25th May 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

The latest ransomware attack, called Wannacry, is said to be the largest in history. But every day, thousands of attempts are made to hack into government, business, and individual computer systems to spy and to steal data. Is nothing secure anymore?


Under the Shadow of Your Wings

  1. 23rd May 2017
  2. Brian Pomicter

Our lives are often beset with upsets and troubles. Yet, so many times, we do not choose to look at what is soothing and uplifting. One famous author tells us that we have a choice as to where we center our attention (Philippians 4:8). Much as we may believe that we can "go it alone" in life, we fare far better when we have help. Are you feeling alone—perhaps...


Pray for Those in Authority

  1. 20th May 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

The nations of the world keep changing their leaders. People hope things will be better under new leadership. What is a Christian’s responsibility toward leaders of their nation? Rational people do not expect leaders to satisfy everyone or solve all problems, but they hope their leaders will bring resolutions to the most important issues. We all desire to have...


Old Sparky

  1. 18th May 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As a student at Southern Arkansas University in 1959, I enrolled in a course in criminology—not because of any particular interest in the subject, but because it included field trips to prisons, which was more interesting than classroom work. We visited two state prisons and one federal penitentiary. At that time, “Death Row” was located at the Tucker unit of...


God and the foundation of science

  1. 16th May 2017
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Science has discovered so many amazing things about our universe! A National Geographic article (March 2007), for instance, discussed the work of astrophysicist Adam Burrows which suggests that intense sound waves are the key ingredient behind supernovas, the massive explosions that destroy dying stars. In fact, the computer models indicate that an exploding...


The Impossible Dream

  1. 13th May 2017
  2. Jeffrey Fall

Years ago, the "Beatles' guru"—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—declared that he had a plan to destroy world terrorism. Maharishi was known to have made the appeal that "with $1 billion he could train 40,000 expert meditators"—who would generate enough "good vibes" to save the world.


Mothers Should Be Honored

  1. 11th May 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Each of us had a mother who carried and nourished us in her womb until we were born. Most of us had a mother who rocked us, fed us, burped us, and bathed us. She kissed our skinned knee, sent us off to school in clean clothes, and made sure we did our homework. She taught us right from wrong and a thousand other lessons. Our mothers should be honored.


The Other Hand

  1. 06th May 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

I have a friend who is an amateur magician. His sleight-of-hand tricks are quite amazing, and children and adults enjoy them immensely. Part of the mystique and fun is trying to figure out how the tricks are done. My friend says with a smile, “Always look at the other hand”—since the performer may be distracting the audience with his comments and one hand, while...


Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, surprised almost everyone on Tuesday, April 18 by announcing her intention to call a UK general election on June 8 this year. This came about, despite May repeatedly saying she would not go to the country until 2020, as mandated by statute. The next day, Parliament declared itself overwhelmingly in favor of a June...


Great Again?—100 Days of Mr. Trump

  1. 02nd May 2017
  2. Ryan Dawson

“Make America great again”—it was Mr. Donald Trump’s campaign promise as candidate, and now has become his mission as President. The first 100 days of a U.S. presidency are often the benchmark used to measure and predict the success—or, perhaps in some cases, lack thereof—of the executive who holds the United States’ highest office. The question remains: Can...

