Commentary | Page 80 | Tomorrow's World


Gossip Evolved?

  1. 17th October 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

"Did you hear about so-and-so?" Ears perk up, heads turn and attention is grabbed when we hear those words. We know we are about to hear something private and scandalous about someone we know. Psychologists say gossip has evolutionary origins with our prehistoric ancestors and enabled cavemen, and even their supposed primate ancestors, to survive. What are the...


Which church would Jesus attend?

  1. 14th October 2017
  2. Michael Heykoop

Some estimate that there are well over 30,000 different church organizations calling themselves Christian; most of which claim to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. How is anyone supposed to sort through so many options? If Christ came back today and looked for the Church He founded, what criteria do you suppose He would use?


To tend and keep…

  1. 12th October 2017
  2. James W. Sweat

Whenever I visit my doctor—as reluctant as I am about it—the nurse will inevitably take my vital signs, including my blood pressure. In an effort to skew the results in my favor, I typically close my eyes to envision a warm, white sandy beach, and the sounds of surf on a pristine emerald shoreline as I sit under a beach umbrella, savoring the bouquet of an ice...


Without Power

  1. 10th October 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Several million people lost power as a result of the devastation brought about by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Across the Caribbean islands and the southern United States, people suffered the loss of electric power. This might be a relative inconvenience compared to those who also lost their homes and possessions, but the effects are nevertheless profound.


No shame

  1. 07th October 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

What plays out in our daily news today would have been very shocking only a few years ago. We hear and see things in the news that violate all civil rules for good taste and decorum. Social mores and acceptable behavior have changed dramatically in less than a generation.


The Way to Peace

  1. 05th October 2017
  2. Douglas S. Winnail

The search for peace is a major concern in the world today. People pray for peace. They light candles for peace. They march in the streets and stage demonstrations to promote peace and prevent war. Yet, strife, violence, and war continue. Is there a reason? Why have the concerted efforts of intelligent human beings for more than a century failed to find a...


Relax. Enjoy yourself.

  1. 03rd October 2017
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Every day brought new rumors. Soldiers had become more active, and the night before bricks had mysteriously disappeared from many abandoned buildings. And now, people were saying a wall would soon be built. Fearing the worst, Hasso pleaded with his friend that they should escape the city. His friend, skeptical of the rumors, encouraged Hasso to "Relax. Enjoy...


Seeing the Whole Elephant

  1. 30th September 2017
  2. Richard Franz

I remember fondly an old children's story called The Blind Men and the Elephant. This profound yet simple story is a great illustration of the limitations of human perception. One version of the story describes six blind men living in a village. One day, a caravan of travelers came bringing an elephant. The blind men had no idea what an elephant was, and...


Choose Wisely

  1. 28th September 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

When we make choices, there are always results and consequences. These can be good, neutral, or bad. Choosing to buy a red or a blue pen may have insignificant consequences. The difference between choosing to wear a long-sleeved shirt or a t-shirt could be large or small, depending on what it’s like outdoors—the choice of what kind of new car to purchase may not...


It Is Your Move!

  1. 26th September 2017
  2. William Williams

Do you play chess? Are you in the ranks of the great masters of the back row, or do you feel far removed from the “royalty” of chess legend—really not much more than a pawn (most of the time) in someone else’s game? Although some consider chess a bit too competitive, and others may think its intricacy and time-consuming nature tedious, there are some parallels...

