Commentary | Page 77 | Tomorrow's World


Why Get Drunk?

  1. 30th December 2017
  2. VG Lardé

In a few hours, the world will celebrate New Year’s Day, and many people will be drunk on these occasions—“just for fun.” But sometimes, the consequences are not so funny. Many people get headaches. Quarrels arise among friends and families. Others will end the night at the hospital—and some will “finish the party” at the mortuary because they died in a car...


A Little Fire

  1. 26th December 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

The tiniest spark of fire can grow quickly into a raging inferno, consuming thousands of acres of forest or whole blocks of buildings. Likewise, a few ill-spoken words can escalate into a quarrel or all-out brawl, damaging a person, a family, or a business.


A Cool Spirit

  1. 23rd December 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a spirit of anger in the land. You see it all around you. There is disillusionment as iconic figures in entertainment, news organizations, and high political office are exposed as being lecherous, licentious, predatory sexual abusers. There is anger when elected officials fail to deliver on promises to reform regulations and laws that adversely affect...


Christmas Lies

  1. 21st December 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Many people love the Christmas holiday, with its decorations, cookies, treats and parties. Some recognize that these trappings have nothing to do with the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, most of the observance is a lie. Dozens of Christmas stories and Hollywood movies about Christmas concern magic characters, magic trees, magic ornaments or magic stockings....


Recognizing Jerusalem

  1. 19th December 2017
  2. Mark Sandor

On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and would be moving its embassy to that city. For most of Israel’s recent history, nations have located their embassies in Tel Aviv, which, as Israel’s second largest city after Jerusalem, is the nation’s financial and...


On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, United States President Donald Trump made the historic announcement that Jerusalem—the “Holy City” and "City of Peace"—is the unequivocal capital of Israel. He was, of course, referring to the modern-day state of Israel. At the same time, however, Jerusalem—one of the holiest sites to each of the world’s three largest religions—is...


What Holds the Universe Together?

  1. 14th December 2017
  2. Roger Meyer

Only recently have astrophysicists been able to offer a substantial hypothesis as to what it is that holds the universe together and keeps it from flying apart. Yet you do not have to be a physicist to know the simple answer!


Internet Works of the Flesh

  1. 12th December 2017
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Scripture warns of the sins of lewdness, fornication, and adultery, which God calls “works of the flesh” not fitting for His saints (Galatians 5:19–21). If not sincerely repented of, these sexual sins will lead to death (Romans 6:23)! Yet the Internet today is full of modern-day “works of the flesh,” which many adults and even teens are participating in. What...


Peddling the Gospel?

  1. 09th December 2017
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever wondered how and why the organization that supports the Tomorrow's World television and publishing efforts never asks the viewing public for money? It seems that a hallmark for religious broadcasting is an emphasis on appeals for contributions. The message is often short on spiritual content and long on "send us money."


Rethink Church

  1. 07th December 2017
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

"Rethink Church" has at times been a popular slogan. Do you want to be part of Jesus' faithful church; the "little flock" (Luke 12:32) that Jesus promised would never cease (Matthew 16:18)? If so, then here are ten Biblical keys to help us "rethink church" and analyze whether we are following Christ—or false human ideas.

