Commentary | Page 69 | Tomorrow's World


I Don't Like Thistles

  1. 12th July 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

The thistle enjoys an exalted position in Scottish heraldry, and is loved by the little passive donkey Eeyore, a character in Winnie the Pooh written by A. A. Milne. Personally, I do not like thistles, but there is a reason for their existence.


Political Correctness

  1. 10th July 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Political correctness: it is a term that brings with it a shudder, a twist of the mouth, and often a sarcastic remark. It has become so pervasive that it impacts all levels of our society and impedes our communication with others. What is the point? Why has this worthless concept and practice become so prevalent?


What are we doing to our children?

  1. 07th July 2018
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

The absence of a stable family, including both father and mother, in all too many cases can produce maladjusted offspring. Cruelty and meanness have many times been associated with children raised without the constant influence of both loving parents.


Is it Time for God to Act?

  1. 05th July 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

“It is time for You to act, O Lord, for they have regarded Your law as void (cast off, dissolved, caused to cease, made of none effect)” (Psalm 119:126). Today, Western nations have been taking actions that are casting off or trying to make void the laws of God as never before. Is it time for God to act?


Atoms and the existence of God

  1. 30th June 2018
  2. Robert McMinn (guest columnist)

Although the existence of atoms is considered an undisputed scientific truth today, it has not always been so. In the early history of man’s search for physical knowledge, some believed in atoms and some did not. But what can the current proof of the existence of atoms tell us about the existence of God?


Remembering the Berlin Airlift

  1. 28th June 2018
  2. William Williams

In June 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded the divided, war-ravaged city of Berlin. Resentful of Allied plans for German reunification, they closed the capital’s roads, railways and rivers. Ever the ruthless provocateur, Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin hoped his former allies would abandon their half of the city. Then, with complete control over Berlin, the Soviets...


A Time of Restoring

  1. 26th June 2018
  2. Martin Fannin

Years ago, a friend and I stood on a mountain crest located on the Cumberland Plateau. Before us were broad grassy meadows, created from land that had been strip-mined. Although major damage had been done to the land through clear-cutting of timber and strip-mining, reclamation was producing positive results. The meadows were pleasing to the eye and the animal ...


Is eternal life an intangible asset?

  1. 23rd June 2018
  2. Karl Harmdierks (guest columnist)

When I was in high school, I was in a one-act play that reached the state finals. Our last competition started at 9:00 p.m.—on Friday evening. As a Sabbath-keeper, I wasn’t able to participate. One girl from our cast asked me, “Can’t you miss church once?” She casually added, “God would understand.”


One "Strongman" to Rule Them All?

  1. 21st June 2018
  2. William Williams

Dictators come and go, but what is happening in the 21st century? If people flock to powerful, charismatic leaders, what will happen when one comes along and promises to bring world peace before the return of Jesus Christ?

