Commentary | Page 68 | Tomorrow's World


Don't Quote Me on That!

  1. 02nd August 2018
  2. William Williams

Have you ever browsed Facebook, Twitter, or your e-mails and found an irresistible quote, perhaps shared with you by one of your online friends? A quote you’ve never read, a quote from some famous person, a short, pithy message that was too memorable not to pass on? And so, even if you aren’t the online “sharing” type, you give it a shot; point-click-send, and...


Why Such Hateful Behavior?

  1. 31st July 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

Watching news reports, one could easily say that the rising level of hateful behavior is appalling! A United States representative called for harassing public officials of the opposing political party. A restaurant owner refused to serve a government official, while others refused to serve police. Hollywood actors and comedians say threatening, vile, and...


Finding Peace of Mind in Stressful Times

  1. 28th July 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As interested observers and students of the world scene try to absorb and digest all the conflicting information that comes their way, a profound sense of hopelessness grips some, and feelings of hostility and aggression are stirred in others. There is a sense for most people that things are not going to turn out well.


Harvest Time is Coming

  1. 26th July 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

Everybody loves a freshly harvested apple, peach, orange, grape, strawberry, or other piece of produce. Gardeners wait with anticipation to harvest that first ripe tomato. When fruit is fully ripened and at the peak of flavor, the time for harvest has finally arrived.


Find the Joy

  1. 24th July 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As once I followed up with an old friend who had been wrestling, with some success, a serious health problem, a sudden update on his condition was devastating. What had seemed to be a good course of treatment proved to be less effective than expected. The condition had worsened, and the prognosis was not good.


The Cup

  1. 21st July 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a persistent legend that holds a fascination for many people, especially those of a religious bent. Since the Middle Ages, some have sought a mysterious object, often resulting in armed conflicts with loss of life and property. This “quest” has been the subject of theatrical plays, adventure novels, and even comedy routines.


The Last Enemy

  1. 21st July 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Enemies abound! Or so it seems. Some people make enemies because of their demeanor. Political parties consider each other enemies as they vie for power. Court dockets are full of cases of disputes that individuals cannot or will not resolve on their own.


How Would Jesus Drive?

  1. 19th July 2018
  2. Dylan King

Have you been cut off in traffic lately? Have you ever been stopped at a red light, only to have the driver across from you turn in front of you the moment the light turns green, violating your right-of-way? Do you frequently find cars dangerously riding your rear bumper? Or perhaps you’re reading this thinking, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the tailgating,...


Are you well read?

  1. 17th July 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

Are you "well-read"? Have you read "the classics" by Plato, Homer, Chaucer—or books by famous authors like Austen, Bronte, Dickens, Hemingway, Shakespeare, etc.? Did you read the books on your high school summer reading list? Have you read the books listed in the New York Times best sellers list? What is the most important book you could read?


Do You Err?

  1. 14th July 2018
  2. Brian Pomicter

The Sadducees posed a question about the reunion of a woman to one of her former husbands after the resurrection. Jesus replied, “[You] do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matthew 22:28–29, KJV).

