Commentary | Page 65 | Tomorrow's World


Letting Go of Hate

  1. 18th October 2018
  2. Mickey Mayeaux (1954-2018)

My wife and I were patiently standing shoulder to shoulder on the crowded upper level of the Eiffel Tower, waiting to take a picture of the exhilarating view as the sun slowly dipped into the horizon. I suddenly felt a slight tug at my pocket, and in a flash, my wallet was gone—I had been pickpocketed! What a heart-shattering end to what was going to be one of...


The power to choose

  1. 16th October 2018
  2. Jeffrey Fall

We Americans pride ourselves in our freedom. Freedom of choice is a hallmark of our national identity and our heritage. We have the freedom to choose how we will live our lives. Sadly many individuals do not realize that freedom of choice carries the potential for great good in our lives as well as the potential for great harm.


Shofar, So Good!

  1. 13th October 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

The shofar trumpet mentioned in the Bible was made from a ram’s horn. It was blown by the priests of God for various purposes. Like today’s siren, which makes a loud, attention-getting sound, the blast of the shofar also demanded people’s attention. Those who heeded could say, (pardon the pun), “shofar, so good!” and be saved from serious injury or death....


Shame of Face

  1. 11th October 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

For anyone keenly observing today’s world scene, an undercurrent of shamelessness soon becomes very clear. You’ll see it in everything. Political shenanigans, movies, popular music, and—this being the “Information Age,” after all—the “blogosphere,” where anyone can air his or her views, gripes, and opinions, without reservation. And this culture is becoming more...


Faith or Fear?

  1. 09th October 2018
  2. Roger Meyer

People have all kinds of fears. Even the bravest among us, though they may not like to admit it, have a fear or two lurking in their minds. Whether it be a common one, like the fear of public speaking (Glossophobia), or a quirky one, like the fear of clowns (Coulrophobia), fears are unpleasant. What are you afraid of?


The Freedom Trap

  1. 06th October 2018
  2. Scott D. Winnail

Of all the values society holds dear today, freedom must top the list. As we look around our nations and communities, what freedoms do we value? We value freedom of speech, freedom of travel, and freedom to act as individuals. We cherish freedom of choice—in marriage, family, religion, and myriad other aspects of our lives. Many even seem to value freedom from...


A Better Way

  1. 04th October 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The state school board meeting room was packed with standing room only. I was there to observe the proceedings and to show support for an application for a Charter School (a school open to the public that is privately funded and operated). The richly paneled room was equipped with the latest technology, including a large flat screen monitor so everyone could see...


Jeremiah and prosperity preaching

  1. 02nd October 2018
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

"Prosperity preachers" proclaim that God wants you to have material wealth and happiness—right now. While positive thinking has its merits, does God promise prosperity, health, and happiness for you in this life? In the years ahead, this question, and the strength of your relationship with God and Jesus Christ, will become more profound than you may realize.


The "Black Dog"

  1. 29th September 2018
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Depression plagues many people. I’m not talking about having a bad day or feeling blue, which everyone experiences now and then. The depression I’m referring to is the kind of feeling that incapacitates a person with overwhelming feelings of dark and foreboding thoughts that cannot simply be shaken off. It is the kind of depression that drives people to do...


"Impossible is Nothing"

  1. 27th September 2018
  2. Mark Sandor

When I learned of the death of famous boxer Muhammad Ali, my mind immediately began to recall some of his most famous words and victories. Though Ali was not a Christian, one of his quotes helped me both in and beyond my academic pursuits.

