Commentary | Page 57 | Tomorrow's World


Fake News

  1. 12th June 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

We hear a lot about “fake news” these days, which term calls into question the integrity and veracity of what is being reported. Consumers of news media are finding it hard to trust any reports.


If Walls Could Talk…

  1. 08th June 2019
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The ruins of an ancient wall built in 122 AD at the northern boundary of Britannia are still clearly visible. Emperor Hadrian built the wall for border control against the barbarians in this remote part of the Roman Empire. Was it successful in fulfilling its purpose? Only temporarily; the empire eventually collapsed, and the northern tribes poured over the wall.


Under the Shadow of Your Wings

  1. 05th June 2019
  2. Brian Pomicter

Our lives are often beset with upsets and troubles. Yet, so many times, we do not choose to look at what is soothing and uplifting. One famous author tells us that we have a choice as to where we center our attention (Philippians 4:8). Much as we may believe that we can "go it alone" in life, we fare far better when we have help. Are you feeling alone—perhaps...


On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, ABC aired a special two-hour program entitled, "Heaven: Where Is It? How Do We Get There?" To produce the program, Barbara Walters spent a whole year traveling the world, "interviewing religious leaders, scientists, believers and non-believers alike to get a range of perspectives on heaven and the afterlife."


Thorns and Thistles

  1. 29th May 2019
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Most people try to avoid prickly situations. You know, those awkward, uncomfortable moments when one says or does the wrong thing, which is embarrassing for all concerned. The customs and procedures most people consider “good manners” resulted from the need to have standards of social conduct that govern courteous, considerate human interaction.


Why Society is Deeply Divided

  1. 25th May 2019
  2. Roger Meyer

News articles discuss the deep divides in societies the world over. Whether the division occurs in politics, education, religion, or culture, every side has strong proponents and equally strong opponents. Why are people so deeply divided? And is there a solution? Divisions are as old as mankind. Disagreements about who the leader should be, who has water and...


Offline to Reality?

  1. 22nd May 2019
  2. Justin D. Ridgeway

I still remember once seeing a cartoon that summed up an interesting trend in Western society. It showed four children playing on a park bench with their tablets and devices, with a desolate playground in the background. The caption read, “children playing.” This satire illustrates a stark and troubling phenomenon. In our desire to virtually connect through...


Lessons from My Grandfather's Cistern

  1. 18th May 2019
  2. Ryan Dawson

When I was a child, my family frequently visited my grandparents’ home. Each time we did, my grandfather would have some task for us to do. My brothers and I never really minded the work, though, because he would always make it fun and teach us something deeper in the process. I cannot even count the number of projects we worked on together, but they are now...


As the Twig is Bent

  1. 15th May 2019
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

What do raising children and gardening have in common? Isn’t it obvious? They each require time, patience and loving care—but believe me, the rewards are far above material payoffs!


Can You Imagine?

  1. 11th May 2019
  2. Shane Browning (guest columnist)

“I Can Only Imagine” is the best selling Christian single of all time. Since the song’s original release in 1999, it has sold over 2.5 million copies. With a boost from the movie telling the origins of the song, starring Michael Finley as Bart Millard (the song’s writer and singer) and Dennis Quaid as Bart’s father, it has now sold in excess of two and a half...

