Commentary | Page 48 | Tomorrow's World


Is There a "Life Hack" for COVID-19?

  1. 29th April 2020
  2. Jonathan McNair

For the uninitiated, “hack,” in modern vernacular, means “shortcut.” It’s emerged from our fascination with all things computer-related. Of course, there is a more specific definition. According to Kaspersky Labs, “Computer hacking is the act of identifying and exploiting system and network vulnerabilities in order to obtain unauthorized access to those systems...


COVID-19 and Redeeming the Time

  1. 25th April 2020
  2. Lawrence Taylor (guest columnist)

Every spring break, I take the time to work on a home-improvement project. This year, it was renovating my bathroom. Since I work for the school system, spring break is a great time to do these projects, because I don’t have to go to work and my kid spends the week at his grandmother’s house. However, something strange occurred that threw a wrench in that plan...


Coronavirus, Quarantine, and Depression

  1. 18th April 2020
  2. Scott D. Winnail

What strange and interesting times we’re living in. Many may even call them scary. I recently read that over 50 percent of the earth’s population is quarantined due to the coronavirus pandemic. Although “quarantine” means different things in different nations, the ultimate result is that we are spending more time by ourselves and spending less time with and...


Empty Shelves and the Bread From Heaven

  1. 15th April 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Whether it be in the form of winter storms, epidemics, or other natural or man-made disasters, the threat of imminent danger on the horizon seems to trigger an urgent need for bread. I’m sure you’ve seen it. Within days or even minutes of a terrifying prediction, supermarket and convenience store shelves are emptied. Jokes are made about it and fun is poked at...


A New Normal?

  1. 11th April 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

“The new normal” is an idiom expressing that a significant change has occurred and become commonplace. For example, in the last few decades, it has become commonplace for us to use personal computers and cell phones to now do much of our shopping online. That is a new normal. Many new “normals” are emerging, but are all of them good?


Where is God in the Coronavirus Pandemic?

  1. 08th April 2020
  2. Scott D. Winnail

Editor's Note: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the world has seen many changes and countless people have suffered hardship and loss, both due to the virus and to the effects of nations’ efforts to combat it. As restrictions are being relaxed in various states and countries, it would be unwise to forget the spiritual lessons this experience...


The End of the Beginning

  1. 04th April 2020
  2. Jonathan McNair

Each year during the Passover season, God’s teachings encourage His people to take a look back. But there is more to life than one’s past experiences. So, what does God expect Christians to look at and apply to future experiences?


Total Unconditional Surrender

  1. 04th April 2020
  2. Richard Franz

On This Date, a book authored by Carl M. Cannon, has a timely bit of American history relevant for any Christian observing the Passover. It was on the day before the Passover, April 9, 1865, that Robert E. Lee told his aide, “The time had come for capitulation”—for surrender. His aide, Colonel Walter Herron Taylor, replied that any other fate would be preferable.


Is There Any Hope?

  1. 01st April 2020
  2. Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

In cities around the globe, and across every populated continent, our world is mired in violence, pain, and suffering. It seems more than ever that crime, disease, and human travail are with us everywhere you look. Have you ever asked yourself, “Is there any hope?” God’s word gives the answer!


No Religion?

  1. 28th March 2020
  2. Adam J. West

On December 14, 2008, I traveled to the town of Terezin, in the Czech Republic, with a German friend of mine. There is a former Nazi-controlled Jewish-ghetto-turned-concentration camp located there. Endless brick walls constitute the fortress—a sea of orange, yellow, and red bricks against a canvas of green grass, stretching long between the structures. Most of...

