Commentary | Page 45 | Tomorrow's World


Sighing Because of the News

  1. 12th August 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

When my wife and I get up to have our morning coffee, we often say, “Shall we turn on the news and see what ‘blew up’ last night?” We wonder: What disaster, murders, shootings, riots, robberies, accidents, fires, pandemic deaths, political bickering, legislative logjams, scandals, bankruptcies, lawsuits, debt increases, or other negative things happened since...


Lebanon, Now Devastated, Will Eventually Be Restored

  1. 08th August 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As the countries of the world reel from the debilitating effects of the coronavirus pandemic and tensions erupt in political strife and division, a literal explosion in the smallest country in the Middle East has grabbed everyone’s attention. The massive blast occurred at the seaport of Beirut, Lebanon, when 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded.


Giving Up Mount Everest

  1. 05th August 2020
  2. Rod McNair

On May 26, 2006—high on the north slope of Mount Everest—climbing guide Daniel Mazur, of Olympia, Washington, was faced with a life-or-death decision. He was climbing toward the summit of Everest when he and his party encountered a most unusual sight. "Mazur, his two clients and a Sherpa guide were just two hours from the 29,035-foot peak… when they came across...


Nothing Is Too Hard

  1. 01st August 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

The very young often encounter things that are too hard for them. Within just a few years, however, a young person at the peak of his or her mental and physical capacities can feel that nothing is too hard—but all too quickly we learn of our limitations. I'm sure that most of us have experienced that feeling of invincibility during our youth. But life goes by...


As Cities Burn

  1. 29th July 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Outraged protestors carrying “BLM” signs have filled the streets of many large cities in the United States following the death, at the hands of a white policeman, of a black man who resisted arrest. What should have been a routine apprehension of a suspect resulted in the man's violent death, which a bystander captured in a stunning video.


Violence in the City

  1. 25th July 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

Violence is increasing rather alarmingly. It fills the news, with reports of murders, assaults, and other violent crimes in our cities. People are living increasingly in fear for themselves and their loved ones. Many, if not most, are taking extra safety precautions and buying alarm systems, pepper sprays, and weapons for personal protection. Why is this...


Can You Imagine?

  1. 22nd July 2020
  2. Shane Browning (guest columnist)

“I Can Only Imagine” is the best selling Christian single of all time. Since the song’s original release in 1999, it has sold over 2.5 million copies. With a boost from the movie telling the origins of the song, starring Michael Finley as Bart Millard (the song’s writer and singer) and Dennis Quaid as Bart’s father, it has now sold in excess of two and a half...


Is Confession Good for the Soul?

  1. 18th July 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

Have you heard the saying, “Confession is good for the soul”? This exact statement is not in the Bible, but the principle of confessing our sins is. What and to whom do we confess, and why?


"Jesus Wept"

  1. 15th July 2020
  2. Josh Lyons

Jesus was often moved with compassion for those in need. Will you learn from His example?


How to Deal With a Spoiled Child

  1. 11th July 2020
  2. Gerald E. Weston

The recent attempt to set up a separatist country within Seattle in Washington State has failed, but was it a total loss? Yes, it’s true that four people were shot, including two young black men who died, and there were reports of rape. Vigilante justice was meted out for anyone caught stealing a cell phone, even if it was later found to have been misplaced. It...

