Commentary | Page 44 | Tomorrow's World


Chasing Two Rabbits

  1. 16th September 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you ever felt like you were being pulled in several directions at once, and you just weren’t able to achieve your goals? We can have excellent goals—and yet not know which ones to pursue with the limited time and resources we have!


Are You Using Your Gifts?

  1. 12th September 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

God has given many gifts to each of us. We’ve not only been given life, food, clothing, and shelter, but we have also been given individual talents, inborn or innate aptitudes, and abilities. Are we developing them and using them in the right way for good purposes? These wide-ranging gifts may be mechanical and mathematical or musical and artistic. We may be...


The Turning Point

  1. 09th September 2020
  2. Jonathan Bueno

You don’t need to be a prophet to realize the entire world seems to be on the verge of a dangerous turning point. We’ve lived in times of relative peace and calm over the last several decades. However, the past several years have seen increasing tension all over the world, and many would say that 2020 is the worst year yet. Stability seems to be evaporating more...


“The God Thing”

  1. 05th September 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Children are without guile, and they will often tell you very revealing things. A grandfather once told me about an experience with his ten-year-old grandson. Grandad asked the boy, “So, what are you studying in school these days?” to which the boy replied, “Did you know there is acid in a person’s stomach, but it doesn’t eat a hole in them?” His grandfather...


Worthless Things

  1. 02nd September 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Does it frustrate you that so many things are made with “planned obsolescence” built in? You know, the product falls apart or quits working soon after the warranty expires? As you walk the aisles of your favorite store, are you appalled at the flood of cheaply made merchandise that becomes worthless soon after being put to use? Then, there are activities that...


An "Exploited Peasant With an Attitude"?

  1. 29th August 2020
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Was Jesus Christ just a compassionate prophet, or was He truly God in the flesh? The Apostle Paul warned that many would come and preach “another Jesus whom we have not preached” (2 Corinthians 11:4) and theories about Jesus certainly abound. Some professing Christian scholars even claim that Jesus was nothing more than “an exploited peasant with an attitude” (“...


Don't Fall for It!

  1. 26th August 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

Falling is hazardous to our health, often causing injury and sometimes even death. We fall many times in life; as toddlers learning to walk, as youths playing sports, and as adults in our homes. Falling is especially dangerous as we get older when our gait falters and our bones are brittle. But we can also fall spiritually. Why do we fall, and what can we do to...


On August 4, 2020, Lebanon suffered one of the worst man-made disasters in its history when a dockside warehouse containing almost 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate caught fire from a nearby welding accident. The resulting explosion, occurring around 6:00 in the afternoon, leveled the port and devastated surrounding structures. It shattered glass and caused...


The Importance of Education

  1. 19th August 2020
  2. Wyatt Ciesielka

Every year during Fall, right after the academic school year begins, the United States observes “National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.” What does the Bible reveal about the importance of education, both today and in the coming Kingdom of God?



  1. 15th August 2020
  2. Charles Knowlton (1927-2013)

If you asked my cousin about loyalty, he would tell you about manning a machine-gun post during World War II on a Pacific Island. During an attack by the enemy, his aide deserted him and he was left to fend for himself. He was horribly wounded, and though he lived to come home, his experience left him handicapped and bitter for the rest of his life. Will trials...

