Commentary | Page 43 | Tomorrow's World


God's Blessings and Curses

  1. 21st October 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

Say the word “curse” and most people think of casting spells, witchcraft, black magic, voodoo dolls, hexes, and jinxes. A curse is an utterance made with the ill intent to inflict misfortune, adversity, or punishment on someone by means of supernatural power, such as magic or evil spirits. Are curses real?


Guarding Your Tongue Against Evil

  1. 17th October 2020
  2. William Williams

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a common comeback when I was in grade school, but the truth is that words really can do great harm. Children generally aimed this singsong ditty at bullies, and while it is good to rise above petty insults and vindictive criticism, it’s also important to watch our own words. Actually, those...


The Most Important Election

  1. 14th October 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The Western world exerts tremendous energy and spends huge amounts of money on political elections. It seems like the campaigning never stops. Since money is “the mother’s milk of politics,” there are endless fundraising events bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars or euros or pounds, or whatever is the national currency. All forms of media are used to...


The Future is Brighter Than You Can Imagine

  1. 10th October 2020
  2. Josh Lyons

It feels like bad news bombards us on every front these days. Sometimes, I mentally wince before tapping on a news app because it’s usually full of troubling headlines. The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have intensified many already existing problems, and the continual cycle of stressful news has caused increased suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, as...


Real Hope is NOT Just a Wish

  1. 07th October 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

We live in trying and stressful times. Now, more than ever, we need to have hope. Today, hope is generally considered a feeling of wishing for or desiring something. Is that the kind of hope we need? People say things like “I hope our team wins” or “I hope I get this job.” We desire these things to happen, considering our preferred outcome possible but not...


Are You Deceived by Someone's Outward Appearance?

  1. 03rd October 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

The story goes that a couple was sitting at the counter in a diner enjoying a cup of coffee when the husband nudged his wife and said, “Honey, look at that old couple at the end of the bar. Someday, that will be us.” His wife glanced in that direction and said, with some amusement, “You realize of course that what you see is a mirror at the end of the bar!” This...


What's Wrong With "Following Your Heart"?

  1. 30th September 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

In movies and songs, and as advice from actors, singers, and celebrities, we often hear the messages: “Follow your heart” and “Trust your feelings.” Some extol the supposed virtues of listening to their “sixth sense” or their “psychic intuition.” Does the fact that we feel something make it so? Is it generally a good idea to trust our feelings? Or, could doing...


Jackie Is Dead

  1. 26th September 2020
  2. Lehman B. Lyons Jr.

The doctor's words hung lifeless in the air. Each of us gathered in the waiting room tried desperately to translate what our ears were hearing into coherent thoughts. All eyes stared about the room at faces that did not register the weight of this proclamation. Jackie was dead.


Sad Songs

  1. 23rd September 2020
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Music plays a role in countless human lives. Emotions, memories, and even spirituality can be bound up in music. God is a lover of good songs, too. Music lovers, particularly country music, blues, and some pop or rock tunes, listen to a steady stream of sad songs with lyrics and melodies about lost love, broken relationships, conditions of poverty, and...


At His Appearing

  1. 19th September 2020
  2. Roger Meyer

Many things will happen when Christ returns. One will be the resurrection of the dead. But ask yourself this: Why is it necessary to have a resurrection of the dead if dead Christians are right now in heaven? People misread things all the time. Instructions say “do this,” but they read “do that” because they are distracted or simply misread the instruction for...

