Commentary | Page 38 | Tomorrow's World


The Benefits of Forgiveness

  1. 14th April 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

Everything we do has a cost. The cost may include money, time, physical or mental exertion, or a toll on our emotional health and well-being. Sometimes, the cost of our actions is imposed on the people we love. Failing to forgive others exacts a tremendous cost. If someone crashes into our automobile, there is not only a monetary cost for repairs but also the...


Legacy of Fools

  1. 10th April 2021
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A legacy can be a wonderful thing. Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines legacy as "A bequest, a gift by will; something received from an ancestor or predecessor." A legacy could be property or financial assets, great literature or works of art, or something more transcendental, such as a good name, a wonderful example, or a philosophy of life and how to live...


The Cup of the Lord

  1. 07th April 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

Very early in life, we graduate from nursing and baby bottles to a “sippy cup,” and then to a regular cup—although many of us adults do use “sippy cups” of hot coffee. But cups, like many other things in the Bible, are used as metaphors or symbols. A cup may be used as a symbol of intoxication and deception. “Pouring out” a cup may symbolize God’s wrath or...


A Bad Combination

  1. 03rd April 2021
  2. Ben Maddox (guest columnist)

Much has been said about what makes a winning team, whether in sports, the workplace, or even relationships. It sometimes comes down to “chemistry” and an entire “team’s” willingness to pull together, whether it’s a team of eleven, twenty, or two. The Hebrew Scriptures have a great deal of information concerning teamwork—or the lack thereof. Let us consider one...


Gallup has been conducting a fascinating poll for almost 20 years on where Americans stand on big moral issues. This eye-opening information provides an overview of a very interesting trend: that Americans’ views on many moral issues are rapidly departing from the morals established in the Bible. Gallup reports the following trends of American opinions on...


“Excruciating… Really?”

  1. 27th March 2021
  2. Adam J. West

“That was excruciating!” We hear this statement from individuals, or from ourselves at times, after suffering an injury like breaking a bone, hammering an ill-placed thumb rather than a nail, or stubbing a big toe on the bedpost while stumbling our way through a darkened bedroom. But we might ask, “Excruciating… really?”


On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, ABC aired a special two-hour program entitled, "Heaven: Where Is It? How Do We Get There?" To produce the program, Barbara Walters spent a whole year traveling the world, "interviewing religious leaders, scientists, believers and non-believers alike to get a range of perspectives on heaven and the afterlife."


Where is God in the Coronavirus Pandemic?

  1. 20th March 2021
  2. Scott D. Winnail

Editor's Note: Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, the world has seen many changes and countless people have suffered hardship and loss, both due to the virus and to the effects of nations’ efforts to combat it. As restrictions are being relaxed in various states and countries, it would be unwise to forget the spiritual lessons this experience...


The Last Minute

  1. 17th March 2021
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

There is a wry old saying that “if it weren't for the last minute, I would never get anything done!” Many people live by this premise. Tension certainly builds as a critical deadline nears or a crisis looms, and the potential for a hazardous or devastating outcome can be exciting. Movies, television, and adventure stories often use this scenario, where events...


The Big Reveal

  1. 13th March 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

A “big reveal” is popular today for expectant parents to reveal the gender of their baby to excited family and friends. Mystery stories and movies also employ a “big reveal” at a crucial time in the story to maintain interest. The Bible also contains very interesting and captivating “big reveals.” Expectant parents are excited to find out their baby’s gender—boy...

