Commentary | Page 30 | Tomorrow's World


Seeing the Whole Elephant

  1. 29th January 2022
  2. Richard Franz

I remember fondly an old children's story called The Blind Men and the Elephant. This profound yet simple story is a great illustration of the limitations of human perception. One version of the story describes six blind men living in a village. One day, a caravan of travelers came bringing an elephant. The blind men had no idea what an elephant was, and...


Scruples? What Are Scruples?

  1. 26th January 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

Does your conscience ever bother you? Maybe it should. God's love is defined by the ultimate moral values found in the Bible. You don’t hear the word “scruples” much anymore. Perhaps too many people have lost their scruples or no longer let scruples affect their actions. Do you have scruples? Where do scruples come from and how do you get them?


What Do You Desire?

  1. 22nd January 2022
  2. Adam J. West

If you could ask for anything and receive it, what would it be? There was a man in ancient times who did that very thing! He asked for one of the greatest things anyone could ever desire, and he did receive it! Who was this person, you might ask? What did he request? And how was his request granted?


Abortion—A Crisis of Global Proportions

  1. 19th January 2022
  2. Josh Lyons

Few topics stir up as much passion and emotion as abortion, and rightfully so, as it is literally a matter of life and death. Like many contentious and complex matters, defining terms, examining some numbers, and especially turning to the Bible can help make sense of this important moral issue.


Why So Much Confusion Today?

  1. 15th January 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

Have you ever seen so much confusion? Today’s events and the decisions being made on a whole host of issues are frustrating. Far too often, our leaders’ actions defy common sense. Opposing opinions and a divisive spirit result in social unrest in a wide variety of areas, such as education, health, masks, vaccinations, crime, policing, climate and the environment...


“Do You Have Ears to Hear?”

  1. 12th January 2022
  2. Adam J. West

“I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” Anyone who suffers from hearing loss has surely said this on more than one occasion. Hearing is a fascinating gift, and not to be taken for granted, for those who still possess it. Of the five senses (touch, taste, vision, smell, and hearing), hearing gives us continual input of dynamic and vital information. What can we learn...


Attention Rulers of Earth

  1. 08th January 2022
  2. Roger Meyer

Cartoon depictions of extraterrestrials have often shown them standing by their flying saucer, asking an earthling to “take me to your leader.” Such scenes have long characterized the idea of earth’s first contact with extraterrestrials.


Some aspects of corporate and government requirements related to the COVID-19 vaccine sound eerily like scriptures in the book of Revelation describing the infamous “mark of the beast.” Vaccine mandates leading to lost jobs, restrictions from entering many places of commerce, and the administration of almost


The Messiah, Misunderstood

  1. 01st January 2022
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Once, during a trip to the United Kingdom, I had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery in London. This imposing complex of great buildings houses some of the finest examples of art from the Renaissance and earlier periods, along with works of art from more recent times. As I walked through the great galleries and observed the ancient paintings, large and...


Ancient Paths

  1. 25th December 2021
  2. Roger Meyer

Ancient paths, found on every continent, were used by people living centuries ago to travel from place to place and trade their goods. These ancient pathways were the best route—or sometimes the only route—to take to arrive safely at the desired destination.

