Commentary | Page 229 | Tomorrow's World


God and the foundation of science

  1. 03rd April 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Science has discovered so many amazing things about our universe! A National Geographic article (March 2007), for instance, discussed the work of astrophysicist Adam Burrows which suggests that intense sound waves are the key ingredient behind supernovas, the massive explosions that destroy dying stars. In fact, the computer models indicate that an exploding...


Ten really dumb ideas … #9

  1. 29th March 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

9. Nothing is worthy of respect. Nothing is sacred. There are no absolutes. Humankind must make its own way. This widely held belief or viewpoint is an atheistic, materialistic approach to life. If one holds this view, then there are no real restraints on behavior. After all, who cares? What difference does it make? According to this view, there is no...


Had a vacation lately? Take a few days

  1. 27th March 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

As we opened the car door, the invigorating smell of mountain air filled our lungs. The sun was already setting behind the peak and the chill of night was beginning to envelope the cabin. A warm fire was in order for this, our first night away from the pressures of the everyday routine in quite a while. We needed this!


A subtle upgrade for "human embryos"

  1. 20th March 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

The English language is a marvelous instrument in the hands of an expert wordsmith. It is capable of tremendous subtlety, and over the centuries the lives of countless men and women have been affected in numerous ways by the manner in which its vast collection of words have been manipulated and shaped – whether to rally the faithful to the arms of war or to...


Ten really dumb ideas of mankind

  1. 13th March 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

As a people, we love "lists." We are eager to see lists of the "Best Dressed," the "Best Books," "The Best Movies," the "Best Restaurants," the "Best Places to Live," the "Best Team," and so on. We love to categorize, group and label. Books of lists are compiled and entertainers make humorous lists, and we get a chuckle out of them.


Pray for the honeybees

  1. 09th March 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

The bees came uninvited and built their nest inside the wall behind the chimney, a few feet from the kitchen door. It wasn't the first swarm to take up residence in the walls of the old house during its hundred and twenty year's life time. What was significant was to see wild bees at all!


The tomb of Jesus?

  1. 06th March 2007
  2. Wallace G. Smith

Have you seen "The Tomb of Jesus," a Discovery Channel presentation brought to us by filmmakers James Cameron (of Titanic fame) and Simcha Jacobovici? If not, it is only a matter of time before you hear about it – such is the way with society's current fascination with the "DaVinci Code" spirit of "creative history."


A living look at life: The Cause Celeb

  1. 27th February 2007
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

A recent national survey of young people concerning their hopes, dreams and aspirations revealed a rather shocking fact. Most youngsters today want to become celebrities. It really doesn’t seem to matter to them if they become famous or infamous, as long as they achieve notoriety or celebrity status. The mainstream media feeds this desire by giving an inordinate...


Confusion in America and Britain

  1. 23rd February 2007
  2. Carl Ponder (1939-2007)

It has become apparent from the news networks that there is confusion and disagreement about where United States and British policy is leading in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and other world trouble spots.

