Wars and Rumors of Wars
- 18th January 2023
- Roger Meyer
War. It’s an ugly word. It denotes death and destruction, pain and suffering, ruination and devastation. Every year, it affects tens of millions of human beings. Will war ever end?
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War. It’s an ugly word. It denotes death and destruction, pain and suffering, ruination and devastation. Every year, it affects tens of millions of human beings. Will war ever end?
One year, during the Super Bowl, as the nation settled down to watch not only a highly anticipated football game, but also the newest (and most expensive) television commercials, a controversy arose over one particularly disturbing ad.
Flash freezing, icy roads, snow blowing sideways, and blizzard conditions. Arctic temperatures, gusting winds knocking out electrical power, and canceled flights interrupting travel. In December of 2022, winter storm Elliott affected the majority of the United States, and just recently, a storm in the Northeast brought “epic snowfalls” to that part of the...
Have you heard the saying, “Confession is good for the soul”? This exact statement is not in the Bible, but the principle of confessing our sins is. What and to whom do we confess, and why?
There is a malevolent spirit that is responsible for the cascade of evil in neighborhoods and nations—and it is always recruiting. Any doubt of this fact was shattered recently when an evening news report showed men dressed as women in bizarre, clown-like costumes, cavorting in front of young children at a school function with many parents present. These deviant...
The winter tide festivities continue on, with people moving almost mindlessly through them—looking neither left nor right, only onward to the end, full of parties, food, drink, and maxed-out credit cards. In just a few more days it will be the New Year, and the glut of holiday celebrations will cease and we all can get back to normal—at least until Valentine’s...
There is a spirit of anger in the land. You see it all around you. There is disillusionment as iconic figures in entertainment, news organizations, and high political office are exposed as being lecherous, licentious, predatory sexual abusers. There is anger when elected officials fail to deliver on promises to reform regulations and laws that adversely affect...
What do you worship, and how? Many people profess belief in God, or in many gods, and worship them in countless ways. But consider for a moment: Do you worship the true God of all creation or an idol? That question might be harder to answer than you think. “Idols?” you may ask. “I have no idols! I would never worship a physical object as a god!” you may declare...
The final match of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, between teams from France and Argentina, took place on December 18, ending in victory for Argentina and record-breaking viewership and final revenues. Many of you have likely enjoyed following some of the matches—especially the awesome final game between two inarguably great teams—while others might be thinking, What’s...
Most people dismiss the commercialism, the pagan influence, and the impossibility of a December 25 birth, and take comfort in slogans such as “Put Christ back in Christmas.” But how many professing Christians would feel comfortable celebrating Christmas if they understood that you cannot “put Christ back in Christmas” because Christmas is Satanic?